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Brian knew as soon as Jimmy pulled into the driveway that it was gonna be war. Sure, him and Desi weren't in a compromising position by any means but Jimmy's over protectiveness with his baby sister always made him see red. Still, Brian remained seated, he could feel how deep asleep Desi was against him and he didn't want to disturb that...her brother could do that of his own free will for all he cared.

Brian knew as soon as Jimmy approached them that he was five kinds of fucked up. His face was red and sweaty, his pupils were dilated so badly that there was almost no blue left to see and he was twitching. Brian shook his head sadly, not knowing how to get through to his best friend before something bad happened to him.

"Haner, what the fuck are you doing?"

Brian silently counted to three, rolled his eyes and tried his best to keep his voice neutral, the last thing he wanted to do was get into a physical fight with Jimmy when he was fucked up. "Well genius, I brought your sister home like YOU asked me to...only you have the house keys and she couldn't get in the house."

Jimmy narrowed his eyes at him before reaching out his foot and kicking Desi, albeit it was a gentle kick but it pissed Brian off nonetheless. "Dude what the fuck?! Don't take it out on her!"

Jimmy's head whipped around as he glared at Brian, his nostrils flaring. "I don't recall asking you to stay and guard her, she would have been fine for a few minutes!" Again, Brian had to reign in his temper as he felt her starting to stir against him.

"You were gone for almost three fucking hours you asshole! You wanted me to just leave her out here?! What the fuck dude!"

Jimmy shrugged his shoulders and grabbed Desi's arm, pulling her off the bench and onto her feet before she was fully awake.

Desi blinked her eyes a few times, looking around and trying to figure out what was going on. She suddenly realized her brother was home and he looked extremely pissed off and high as hell. Desi yanked her arm from Jimmy's grasp, glaring at him with as much heartbreak as anger.

"What the fuck Jimmy?! What is wrong with you?! You're being STUPID! I've had it up to HERE with your bullshit!" Desi screamed and carried on as she smacked her brothers chest before sobbing fresh tears and turning to the only person she could find comfort in.

Desi threw herself against Brian's chest as she sobbed against him, not caring how her brother felt at that exact moment. Brian wanted nothing more than to scoop her up and take her to his house for the night but he knew that was impossible. Instead, he wrapped his arms around her and rubbed her back, trying to keep it as platonic as possible.

"Desiree...let's go." Jimmy's voice was hard and emotionless, scaring Desi all over again. She sniffled hard and gave her brother her iciest stare before crossing her arms over her chest in defiance.

"Or what? You're not my boss Jimmy!"

Jimmy snorted, rolled his eyes and grabbed her bicep harshly, yanking her into his side so quickly that she stumbled and fell to the pavement, crying out in pain as her knee smacked the concrete. Brian's blood grew hot and before he knew it, he was shoving Jimmy backwards up against the side of the house and screaming at him.

It took Desi a moment to get back up, her knee was throbbing and bleeding, sending shooting sparks of pain down her leg but she knew she needed to break them up before someone called the cops on them...or worse.

With a strength she didn't know she possessed, she somehow managed to wedge herself in between them and pushed her brother backwards, taking a defensive stance in front of Brian. Jimmy cackled and spit blood to the ground from where Brian had right hooked him in the mouth.

"So you're defending this asshole over your own brother now?!" his voice was loud and angry which in turn just pissed Desi off even more. "When you start acting like my brother again then I'll answer your questions, but until then, you can fuck off! Why the fuck are you beating on your best friend in the entire world when he's just doing what YOU told him to do! God Jimmy you're being fucking ridiculous! You can't tell me who to be friends with and you certainly can't tell me what to do with my own life but it sure looks like you need to be told what to do! Is this what you do with your spare time?! You sell drugs and get high?! HUH?! IS THIS WHAT YOU DO?! BECAUSE IT'S BULLSHIT!!! I am DEFINITELY telling mom and dad! You need help!"

Jimmy took one threatening step towards his own sister before Brian stepped back in, slid her around behind him and held him back with one arm. "D...get the keys from him and get the house opened now...we have to get him in the shower right fucking now!"

Desi stared dumbfoundedly at Brian for a moment, unsure of what was happening and why he was so concerned with Jimmy's hygiene habits all of the sudden. "DESI!" he snapped "NOW!" She snapped into action as Jimmy's body folded against Brian, causing him to hold Jimmy up as best as he could. Hesitantly she felt his pockets, trying to find the keys while Brian struggled to keep Jimmy upright.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, she found the keys, got the door open and they somehow managed to get Jimmy inside and up the stairs where she cranked the shower on full blast while Brian was pulling clothes off Jimmy as best he could. Eventually between the two of them they got him down to his boxers and managed to shove him into the shower. Desi watched as Brian gently assisted Jimmy into a sitting position in the tub, adjusted the water to a cooler temperature and pulled the curtains closed almost completely.

Once again, Desi broke down sobbing, scared for her brothers life and what he had ingested. "'s okay baby...shhh..." Brian had his arms in a vice grip around her, tucking her head into his neck as he kissed her forehead over and over again. He felt her stiffen in his arms for a second, knowing that she was worried Jimmy would freak out if he caught them like that. "He's passed out baby...he can't see us...shhh...we'll get him taken care's gonna be okay D...relax..."

It took Desi several minutes before she calmed down enough to look him in the eye, a shakey smile forming on her lips before they kissed softly, his hands holding her face protectively as she clung to his shirt for life. After a few minutes she pulled away enough to look back at Jimmy, he was still slumped over in the shower but it looked like his color was returning to normal.

"Now what?" Desi looked to Brian for guidance and he suddenly didn't feel so confident...what if Jimmy went too far this time and fucked himself up? He scratched at the back of his neck for a moment before glancing down, realizing Desi's knee was still bleeding.

"Come on...let's get you fixed up first. I'll spend the night and watch over him because he's probably gonna be sick as fuck when he does come to."

Desi frowned but allowed Brian to clean up her knee, hissing at the burn from the alcohol he poured into the wound. Brian chuckled softly, placing a small kiss to her knee before bandaging it.

"All better baby."

Desi smiled like a love sick puppy at Brian, kissing him as he stood up in front of her.

Brian cleared his throat a moment later and pulled back slightly from her, stroking her chin lovingly.

"Go grab some sweats for Jimmy...I'm gonna need help getting his ass out of there."

Desi nodded silently, stood up on tiptoe and kissed Brian quickly before going in search of sweats. It took them an entire hour to get him out of the shower, dried off, dressed and into bed but shortly after 2 a.m. he was settled into his bed, completely unaware of anything as Brian and Desi settled in on the bean bag chair in his room, a blanket covering them as they cuddled beneath its warmth.

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