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Desi woke up the next morning, Brian's arm draped across her stomach as he lay sleeping next to her, his face stuffed in his pillow. The two had stayed up later than they intended but Desi couldn't help herself...Brian had opened new doors of physical passion that she never knew existed, making her a fiend of some sort.

Running her fingers through his dark hair, Desi lightly scratched Brian's scalp with her nails, trying to stir him into waking up but it was no use...he was dead to the world. After a few minutes of no response, Desi rolled over and reached for her phone, intent on checking in with Laney to see if she was okay...hopefully she wasn't mad at her for bailing on her last night.

Desi smiled at Laney's notification status on her phone, she had already beat her to the punch and messaged her first! Desi's happiness quickly filled with dread as she read Laney's short message.


Desi felt ice run through her veins, she had to think of something, FAST! Laney had sent that message fifteen minutes ago which means he could be on his way over here if he was even REMOTELY suspicious of where his little sister was.

"Brian..." Desi shook him lightly, not wanting to alarm him but when he still didn't stir she knew she had no choice. Desi shook him harder and practically yelled his name out.


His eyes flew open as he half sat up, his naked chest distracting her for a split second before she remembered the urgency. Brian smiled sleepily at her and yawned, reaching to pull her into him but she shook her head frantically, spilling out of the bed and grabbing clothes at random that were scattered all over his bedroom floor.

"Jimmy is looking for me...he knows I'm not at Laney's house...Oh my god what am I going to do?!" Brian internally panicked for a second as he climbed out of bed, angry at the fact that they were having to hide. A car door slamming made Desi jump, the expression on her face was of a deer caught in headlights right before getting plowed over by a semi.

"D relax...I want you to sneak down to the basement and act like you're practicing guitar...I'll cover this okay?" Desi wanted to trust Brian but she was in full panic mode and shook her head furiously.

"He'll see right through it Brian! I KNOW how to play guitar! Plus, he'll want to know why I don't have my own guitar over here! I am SO dead!"

A loud knock on the door made both of them jump but Brian was past the point of giving a fuck. He kissed Desi on the forehead and pushed her towards the doorway. "Go on...get downstairs and I'll cover the rest okay?" Brian didn't wait for her to panic further, instead he gave her a gentle shove towards the stairs while pulling on a clean shirt while sending his dad a quick message through his phone.


Brian waited long enough to make sure the message went through before deleting it off his phone and snapping it shut, walking quickly over to the door right as Jimmy began ringing the bell in his annoying manner...time to put his acting skills to the test!

Brian opened the door with what he hoped was a half annoyed, half bored look on his face before nodding his head at Jimmy.

"Hey Jimbo, what's up?"

Jimmy didn't wait for Brian to invite him in, he had a fairly good idea where his sister was and once it was confirmed what he already knew, things were going to get really ugly really fast. Jimmy still had a good buzz going from the lines of coke he had done with Mike and he was ready to fight anyone and any thing.

"I know she's here Haner...and once I find her, you and I are going to talk." Jimmy loved Brian like a brother but right now he could strangle his best friend right where he stood and he flexed his fingers in a show of aggression. Jimmy watched Brian's face through slitted eyes as he gave him a confused look.

"You mean Desi? Of course she's here you idiot, she has a lesson with my dad today."

Jimmy tried to think clearly for a second but the cocaine was fogging his brain too much. Still, he could have SWORN she hadn't said anything about having lessons since she came back from NYC. As a matter of fact, why would she need lessons when that was the reason she went to the performing arts school out there??

"Why the fuck would she need lessons when that's why she went to school out East? Hmm? Why is that?" Jimmy crossed his arms over his chest, getting angrier and angrier as the seconds ticked by.

"Dude how the fuck should I know?! She said something about it last night right before that douche bag Mike showed up, I figured you already knew."

"Oh he just wasn't listening to me is all."

Both guys spun around at the sound of Desi's voice from the top of the basement steps. Brian had to hand it to her, she looked thoroughly annoyed as she glared Jimmy down, a guitar that was almost identical to hers in her hand.

"I don't remember you saying SHIT about coming over here DJ." Jimmy was still highly suspicious of the entire scenario and he began looking around the Haner residence, noticing for the first time that it was quiet.

"If she had a lesson with your old man then where is he? Hmm?" Jimmy clenched his fist by his side, trying desperately to NOT punch Brian right in the mouth. He felt his anger kick up a notch as Brian rolled his eyes and pulled his phone out of his pocket, flipping it open and handing him the phone so he could read the message on the screen.


Jimmy scoffed, feeling a little better knowing that she did in fact have a lesson with Mr. Haner but still was pissed off that they were alone together. "You don't mind then if I stick around and see how this lesson goes do you?" His words were meant to sound innocent but there was a definite edge to each word he spoke and Brian knew he needed to pacify him for right now. Shrugging his shoulders, he put on the look of indifference he was so good at giving.

"I don't give a shit if you wanna sit around till they get here. You want something to drink?" Brian didn't wait to hear Jimmy's response, instead he just threw him a can of Coke from the fridge and grabbed his cigarettes off the counter. As soon as both guys were outside smoking, Desi let out the biggest sigh of relief. Her nerves were completely shot and she knew that if she didn't find a way to tell her brother about her and Brian then shit was going to hit the fan...she unfortunately didn't know where to even begin to tell him.

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