Chapter 29 B&C 💜💛

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Bella's P.O.V.

"So the purpose of this section today is to get to the route of things to help Bella

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"So the purpose of this section today is to get to the route of things to help Bella." Dr. Kim stated and than continued "it did come up doing the last section with Bella about the relationship between you and your daughter, so I wanted you both here today with Bella so we can talk about that. Is everyone comfortable with that?" She asked, eyes moving between my parents.

"I'm good with that, my dad" responded crossing his leg.

"As long as the focus is Bella," my mom stated

"Yes, absolutely" Dr. Kim assured her but my mom continued.

"I Don't want this to be about Mike's and my relationship because, honestly, that will take a couple of sections to get through, and I'm not interested," my mom explained.

"True dat," my dad said, making my mom roll her eyes, already annoyed with him. Well, this section should be interesting. I thought.

"Understood;" Dr.Kim replied "with that being said, let's start. "Bella, we spoke a little about your parent's separation. Now I want to touch on your feelings about that"

"Okay," I said, feeling a little anxious about talking about my parent's separation's in front of them.

"How old were you when your parents separated?" Dr. Kim asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Umm...I was ten, and one moment I was living in a happy home with both my parents, and the next, my dad was out of my house, and my parents were separated."

"How did that make you feel?"

"Sad, hurt, and confused like I didn't understand what was going on. I was so confused because, mom and dad, you never told me what was going on. I thought you both were happy together, or at least that's what you showed me, and it was a total shock to me when everything went down."

"We did that to protect you, sweetie.." my mom said, followed by my dad's nod of approval. "We Just didn't want you caught up in our issues."

"You were a kid, baby girl, and we just felt like telling you all these things that were going on would have brought your world crashing down." My dad explained

"Do you hear What your parents are saying? They did that to protect you, do you accept that?" Dr.Kim asked

"I do now, but I resent you, dad because I felt like you should have fought to keep our family together. What made it even worst is that after the separation, I barely saw you, dad, and that made me feel like I wasn't wanted. It went from seeing you every day, morning, and night to not seeing you at all. I had hoped things would change, but they never did. I needed my daddy, and you were never there." I explained in one breath.

"And I couldn't be more sorry for that." My dad said meeting my eyes. "I wasn't the dad I should have been to you; I should have been more considerate of your feelings. I wasn't there for you, and I will spend the rest of my life making that up to you. but you have to understand your mother took you and moved you to another state without my permission. It made things difficult..and-..."

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