Chapter 3 B&C💜💛

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Beyoncé house

Beyoncé P.O.V

"Mom, whatcha making?" Bella asked entering the kitchen.

I looked up at her and smiled this child and her food business "I'm making stake, fried rice, shrimp and Broccoli."

"Ayee we eating good!" she said hopping on the counter that I have told her numerous of times not to sit on.

"Get your but down off my counter little girl!" I said glaring at her.

"Oops, my bad" she said, getting down and taking a seat at the bar.

"Oops, my bad" she said, getting down and taking a seat at the bar

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"do you need help?"

"Naw, I'm about done. Don't you have homework to do?"

"I already did it, like hours ago."

"Good then you can set up the table."

"Okay, I can do that" she said and got up heading to the dining room when the doorbell ring. She turned around to face me "are you expecting anyone?"

"No," I said, shaking my head. "You can check and see who it is."

"Okay" she said and left to open the door. 
"Mom, there is a guy here name Shawn." Bella called out moments later.

I frowned. "What the hell is he doing here?" Who he thinks he is showing up at my house, he got me fucked up.

I turned off the stove since the food was already done and wiped my hand on the rag before heading towards the door ready to give Shawn a piece of my mind.

"What the hell are you doing here!" I hissed approaching him.

"I just thought we should talk," he said leaning against the wall. He had on black sweatpants that I could see his dick print right through and white T-shirt.

 He had on black sweatpants that I could see his dick print right through and white T-shirt

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