Chapter 34 B&C💜💛

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Shawn's P.O.V.

I sat in the driver's seat of my car frozen to the spot while everything that had happened in the last couple of hours came crashing down on me. I had so much frustration and rage in me right now that all I could do was sit in this car and wait for it to pass.

Since hearing the gruesome details of what happened to my daughter and wife. I ran out of the precinct with the intention of going to Vulcan and putting a bullet in his head but five minutes of driving I thought about Aliyah and how she needed me to be there for her and not dead or in prison. I thought about Beyoncé and the life we were building. I turned my car around and drove until I found myself parked by where Aliyah stays hoping that I will get to see her but the longer I sat there I began to think it was a bad idea.

I shouldn't even be here in the first place but I had to see her face to reassure myself that she was well and alive. Another few minutes went by when a school bus pulled up by the house and I watched closely as kids stepped off the bus and then came Aliyah and the moment I lay eyes on her I knew she way my daughter there was no denying it.

She stepped off the bus with a huge grin on her face as she talked to another girl beside her, reminding me so much of her mother. I watched her closely taking in all her features. She looks so much like her mother and has grown way taller than the last time she was ripped away from me. I find myself tearing up as I watched her. That's my baby and she's alive.

She waved to her friend as they parted ways making her way into the house. My eyes followed her throughout and then she stopped and looked towards my car before I could look away our eyes met for a split second and I felt my heart filled with love and sadness for all the time I missed out on. When I looked up again she had vanished inside the House. My heart broke as I saw her disappear into the house. I felt sadness wash over me as I thought about how things could have been different.

So much time lost.

The weight of the situation filled me with relief and anger for all the time I missed out on, all the moments and memories we could have made together and I felt sad the kind of sadness that makes you heart ache and makes you want to rip your hair out.

My heart was pounding like a hammer, and I could feel myself shaking with the tension involved in trying to just hold myself together. The feeling was all too familiar...I was suffocating.  I pressed my back against the chair, my lungs puffed with needed air as my chest heaved. I panted, clawed for air, and the pent-up cries I held in him erupted all at once as I began to break down in the car. I held my face in my hands as I cried, and the tears rolled down my face as they were pressed to my hands.

My chest shuddered in small spasms as I begged for air. I desperately try not to scream. I pawed at the collar of my shirt, to get it open, hoping it would release the tension in my chest, I looked back at the house Aliyah disappeared into, and then up at the ceiling as the tears fell down my face with gravity. I don't know how long I sat there sobbing. I didn't know what to do with all of his pent-up fear. So I let it out, finally, like I needed to.

The ringing of my phone snapped me out of my breaking down state a moment later. I reached for my phone furiously wiping at my eyes and sniffling.
I was met with a bunch of missed calls and messages including eight missed calls from Beyoncé two from my mother and a few from Meek and Exposit.

Fuck Bey is going to be mad as hell I thought while I answered her call.

I cleared my throat and returned to an upright position. "Hello"

"Shawn were the hell are you?!" Bey angry response meet my ears. oh yeah she's definitely not happy. "I have been going crazy trying to find you. I thought something terrible happened to you. Why would you do that to me?!" She snapped

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