Meeting of destiny's:Part three

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(Fuwa's pov)

As the three of us were running out of maretime bay and the farthest I had ever been from the town sunny popped the question we both had.

"You don't have any magic" She asked double checking.

"Nope" Izzy said casually while running causing sunny to immediatly stop. Like we had the time for that.

"No magic?" Sunny said sitting down.

"Oh well if it makes you feel better we did have it. But that was many many many moons ago it just poof disappeared everypony think's the pesky pegasi had something to do with it but-o oh Hey you look kinda woozy you okay?" Izzy answered and asked.

"I'm on the run with a unicorn who has no magic? What are we going to do?" Sunny asked me right before izzy went up and smelled sunny. Wait what?

"What are you doing?" I said weirded out and worried we had picked up a hooligan unicorn.

"You don't smell" Answered izzy.

"Thanks. Wait what?" Sunny confused looked at me.

" I was told all you earth pony's smell like rotten sardines but yoou do not mm" Izzy said before chasing a butterfly.

"Is their anything else unicorns say about earth pony's?" I was trying to hold in either anger or humour and I couldn't tell.

"Oh just that you're lazy and not the brightest crystal's in the forest" Izzy said not realising she was insulting all earth pony kind. Lazy? According to the show earth pony's were the hardest working of all three pony races so unless pony view's were changed over the years or the earth pony race was bewit-

"Charming" Sunny said less then happy.

"Nope just those three" Izzy said "So what's the plan?".

"Wait I got it! we are going on a quest to zephyr heights!" Sunny said pulling out her book.

"Quest?" Whispered I.

"The Pegasus city?" I titled my head at izzy's hesitation after coming here.

"Quest?" Whispered fuwa again.

"Yes we need to find out what happened to  your guy's magic and bring it back they have magic they could help" Sunny said meanwhile all I was thinking about was the QUEST! However that assumption brought me back to reality.

"Are you sure they have magic?" I asked "If unicorns don't have magic and I don't have magic apparently. Are you sure they do?"

"Come on what's the chances that all magic is gone?" Sunny said walking over and poking my wing.

"Well if they don't have magic I can say I told you so!" I said confidently.

"And if they do? Even one of them?" Asked sunny challenging me.

"Then you'll get bragging rights" I answered "But It won't happen!"

"Pinkie promise?" Sunny inquired. Oh did I forget to mention that I may have taught sunny about the pinkie promise as a unbreakable sacred law of the alicorns which was mostly true. It was also similar to their hoof to heart which started to mean I'm telling the truth no matter what.

"cross my heart and hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye" I said imagining thunder in the background.

"Well Izzy?" Sunny said turning her attention to the fascinated unicorn.

"I really don't want to I mean the pegasi are bad news" Izzy mumbeled.

"What if your wrong about them? Earth pony's were wrong about unicorn's they could welcome us with open wing's" She said a little hop. 

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