Super bronie! The pegasi secret?

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(Hitch's pov)

"What the!?" I yelled shock and surprise spreading through me as I stumbled back. Boulders flew everywhere. I looked up and could see a strange pegasus or was it a unicorn? He had both a horn and wings. But the most bizarre was the fact he was glowing orange!

"LET'S GO SAVE SUNNY!" The pony yelled their voice seemed to echo almost like there were two ponies in one body. The pony started to run towards the pegasi capital a smile plastered all over his face. "LET'S GO EVERPONY!" his voice echoed throughout the canyon.

(Zipp's pov)

".....About magic" I whispered

"That's why we're here. Maybe you can tell us how yours works? Izzy has no idea how the unicorns lost their's so we thought that maybe-" Sunny started.

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa. Wait? Lost theirs? as in no magic?. Well... that changes things. Listen I might have some information that could help, But first, you need to tell me about this." I reached back and pulled out sunny's book.

"My journal! Thank you, Zipp. I-I never thought I'd see it again" She held it close like an old friend.

"Yeah, I can be pretty sneaky when I want to be," I said smiling.

"Nice I'm only medium sneaky," Izzy said downplaying herself.

"So where did that come from?" I looked at the book.

"It was my father's. He and fuwa worked day and night on this book. Why?" Sunny looked at me.

"That star..." I began.

Suddenly I heard the sounds of the trumpet sound effect as pipp made her approach.

"Zipp, What are you doing here? Mum said to stay away-" Pipp started

"Princess's Take cover we're under attack!" An elite guard rushed in and started to pull pipp away. As Zipp would take care of herself as all the elite guards had found out the hard way. However, the normal guards tried to take Zipp with them. 

"I can handle myself! Go make sure my mum is okay" I ordered sending them away. Then as soon as pipp had been rushed off I opened the cage.

"Come with me quick I know where to hide" I ran off only stopping to make sure they were following.

"Under attack? By who?" Sunny said as we rushed off.

"I don't know. But I can see when we get there!"

(Fuwa's pov)

I felt strong almost like I could lift a mountain without a problem. I didn't know how long this would last, but I was going to enjoy it as long as possible. I rushed through the castle of pegasus city.

"Hey hey! Slow down!" Yelled hitch who I had lifted onto my back.

"No time partner! We have to find sunny! " I boomed. I could hear the sound of a siren coming from the speakers. "We are under attack from an unknown unicorn with an earth pony captive! Everypony finds shelter and does not approach the intruders. I Repeat DO NOT Approach the intruders!" A voice announced from the speakers. 

"Oh great, we're been found. Could this get any worse?" hitch moaned. To which I grinned and laughed. I ran around for a bit until...

(Sunny's pov)

"We're nearly there just a little longer" Zipp rushed around the corner and suddenly stopped. "What the!" She said shocked stumbling back at a strange glow.

"What is it, Zipp?" I said reaching her and turning around to see "Hitch!?" I was shocked was he the intruder? " Sunny starscout you're coming with me. As soon as This crazy pony puts me down" He groaned and I noticed for the first time just who was carrying him.

"Fuwa!" I yelled smiling I went to hug him but Zipp pulled me back.

"Uhh, sunny are you sure he's okay he's glowing. You see that right?" She said gesturing to the strange orange glow that fuwa was emitting.

"Oh, sunny!  guess what! I found you and hitch! " Fuwa smiled and boomed.

"Don't yell, And what are you? Ugh, questions later Zipp first we have to hide!" Zipp said to herself and continued to lead the way to the hiding place. However, as soon as we arrived Fuwa's glow started to fade.

"Oh, fuwa your glow's going!" Izzy said disappointed. Fuwa didn't acknowledge her instead his knee's buckled and he fell over.

"Fuwa!" I rushed over to see what was wrong. "Fuwa are you okay? Fuwa!" I shook him back and forth quickly becoming more and more frightened. But then fuwa breathed in deeply and out. "Don't worry sunny he's only out cold. He'll be fine. I think" Izzy comforted me.

"What happened to him?" Zipp looked at him worried.

"I don't know. First off he fell under some boulders and then suddenly he just started to glow orange and tossed them off like they were nothing!" Hitch commented in disbelief. 

I wonder what happened to him. I poked his wing as he slept.

(Time skip Fuwa's pov)

There was only a void. But inside that void was an orange sphere. I reached out for the orange sphere but then just before I could touch it I was pulled back and fell through the sky. And below me was a jungle. A jungle I knew and had seen before. as I fell I could see chaos and destruction ensue. And below me, I could see something strange it looked like a -

"Holy God!" I sat up making Zipp and the rest jumped.

"Who's god?" Izzy asked curiously.

"Uhhh wait you, guy, don't have a god?" I tilted my head. It had never occurred to me in all my years of being here that they didn't have a god. Celestia used to be their godly figure but who was it now?

"No. The way you said that kinda sounds like someone that we unicorn's have but I don't think his name is god" Izzy said happily.

"Same here" Zipp confirmed.

I wondered to myself just who they had. Maybe some savior? I pondered digging deeper into this mystery but I decided against it. I'd save it for another time.

"So uh did anything happen while I was out?" I had deduced that I was out for some time because I was in a bed and not the floor and I had been a little sneaky and pretended to be asleep for an hour or so before saying, holy god.

"We have a plan to restore magic!" Sunny said.

"Wait really? Awesome! What is it?" I said full on knowing it was to reunite the three tribes and have friendship prev-

"To reunite the two crystals " Sunny grinned.

"Wait what?" 

(No pov)

Somewhere in a forest was a lake. And within this lake was an ancient being familiar to one. He sleeps and sleeps unaware of the world. But as a glow of orange reaches his cave he opens his eyes. His purple scales shift as he leaves his cave following the scent of the orange glow. As he knows this smell but hasn't smelled it in years.

So how did you like this chapter? And that last part I tried to make it rhyme. But I'll see you next time on A new generation's isekai! The two crystal's Fuwa's confusion!

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