Bridlewood: A dark relic!

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(Fuwa's pov)

We were well on our way to Bridlewood but I must admit. Pipp is really annoying. I can't help it! She's always floating around me taking her god damn photo's and asking me questions! I swear If I hear one more question about if I can balance on something on my horn I'll lose it! 

"Hey you! Alicorn! You're part unicorn did you take my badge?" Hitch accused breaking my out of my thought's.

"Huh?" I muttered.

"You did! Give it back! I know you're sunny's friend and all but it's my badge!" He whined.

"The real badge of a sherif lie's in their heart. A badge doesn't decide if you should help other's or if they should listen to you, It's the trust you have earned and the trust you have given" I imparted on him.

"Huh?" It was his turn to mutter. 

I sighed "No I don't".

"Oh! I saw a shiny badgy thing a few hours ago" Izzy suggested.

"Hours!?" Hitch moaned.

"Maybe it's for the best. Between me and you buddy that badge was creating a unhealthy power dynamic!" Izzy popped singing off.

'I'm an alicorn wonder what that means for me?' I wondered trying to think straight until we encountered a cliff. I watched everypony begin to argue whilst Izzy walked over to the side near a giant dead tree. Curious I wandered over as well.

"Hey Izzy what ya doing?" I asked.

"Oh I'm making us a bridge!" She replied happily as she began RAMMING HER FLIPPING HORN INTO THE TREE!

"Woah! Woah! Izzy what are you doing!?" I yelled pulling her back.

"Cutting this tree down silly," She said rolling her eyes. Meanwhile I was astonished by her similarity to pinkie pie. 

"Well if you think it's the best option then maybe we could find a-" I started turning around to see everypony arguing. I turned back around "Do it"

(Time skip)

"Geez they really don't want visitor's" I said looking at the gloom of Bridlewood's entrance which had repeated stay out signs. They were only telling pony's they were here with those though.

"Come on! My house isn't far from here! drrah da da da da" Izzy said then sung.

I looked back towards the light and sighed. "Of course the unicorns would live like this. Instead of a crystal cave or something". After a while we actually walked into a happy spot. And this may be weird but it reminded me of zecora's hut. A safe place in a terrifying jungle. Hopefully though this one doesn't have a manticore.

"Well here we are guys la villa izzy" She said welcoming us in.

"Wow" Everypony gasped. Instently we did what all good house guests would do. Clean out hoove's? No. Say thank you for having us? No. Explore without asking? Hell yeah!
Hitch walked over to a strange painting with strange eyes. That stared back at him. Sunny walked over to a machine with glass bottles above and started to turn it. The sound that came out. I knew it!

It was the mlp gen four intro song, Or at least a bottle version. Stunned I walked over "Their's no way... How?" I muttered astonished.

"Did you make all this?" Zipp asked izzy.

"Yeap unicycling, isn't it funky?" Izzy answered happily.

"It is gorgeous," Pipp hummed

"I also make friendship bracelets!" Izzy revealed holding out some braclets.

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