Together again: The rusted Pony.

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Last time on a new generations isekai. Fuwa left to master his powers and delve into the past. Leaving his friends to repair the damage caused by sprout. Months have passed. With the decoration of the bright house and Zipp's flight school taking place we find ourselves in the third episode called sisters take flight. (On youtube it label's it as the first)

(No pov)

Princess Zephyrina Storm(But her friends call her Zipp) was flying with her sister Pipp petals towards maretime bay. Behind them were two pegasus guards carrying the colossal weight of Pipp's packing.

"How long till we get there?" A royal guard groaned. 

"Shh," The other hushed. The first royal guard huffed and accidentally dropped a bag.

"NO!" Pipp screamed diving down for her precious bag. 

"Leave it, Pipp! It's not worth it!" Zipp called.

"Who Knows what's in their Zipp!" Pipp yelled back getting closer and closer to the ground below. Finally, Pipp arced back up cuddling her Bag. Zipp rolled her eyes but noticed something strange. 

"Is that a Pegasus?" Zipp questioned. 

"What's a Pegasus doing out here?" Pipp wondered.

"Maybe she's carrying bags" The first royal guard mumbled. As Zipp watched she suddenly started to hear a loud rumbling. Looking slightly to the right her eyes widened.

"Get out of the way! Fly away! Boulder!" Zipp yelled. But the Pegasus didn't seem to hear her and stayed in place. Without a second thought, Zipp went into a full-on dive. Nothing was on her mind except saving the pony. The air started to bend around Zipp as something started to form. But then she stopped her eyes wide once more.

(Time skip)

"Have you heard the rumors of the wandering rusted pony?" Hitch questioned.

"Rusted pony? Come on Hitch that can't be right," Sunny rolled her eyes.

"But it is real. The rusted pony comes in the dead of night, To eat your candy!" Izzy shrieked. 

"Is that a bedtime story?" Sunny grinned.

"Yeah, So what?" Izzy tilted her head. Suddenly they started to hear screaming from Maretime bay. Looking at each other worried they rushed outside and towards town. Looking up Sunny and Hitch could see two familiar faces.

"Zipp and Pipp!" Izzy yelled rushing forward. 

"It's the rusted pony! Run for your candy!" A unicorn yelled running away. 

"Sherif Hitch here. Where's this Rusted pony?" Hitch announced walking forward. An earth pony walked forward Grabbed hitch and lead him towards the center of the crowd. There was a Pony in a cloak that had somehow been covered in rust.

"Reveal yourself!" Hitch ordered. 

"Oh come on is that any way to treat a friend?" The Rusted pony smiled throwing off the cloak to reveal a familiar face.

"Fuwa!" Sunny rejoiced rushing forward to hug him. After spinning Sunny around Fuwa let her down the smile still on his face.

"Hey Sunny loving the new mane but where's ya wings and horn? You didn't lose them did you?" Fuwa teased. Sunny poked Fuwa's wing with a pout. 

"No. They just show up at random times!" She huffed.

"Fuwa's the rusted pony! Run for your Candy!" Izzy squeaked starting to run away. Fuwa tilted his head as Zipp and Pipp cornered Izzy.

"Who's the rusted pony?" Fuwa questioned.

(Time skip)

Inside the Brighthouse, fuwa looked around in awe. 

"This place is amazing! And a horizontal Rainbow just awesome," Fuwa gasped looking around.

"Fuwa if you're back that means you mastered your magic!" Izzy realized. Fuwa nodded and then started to walk outside. Perplexed everypony followed Fuwa.

"Okay, everypony Step back!" Fuwa warned. Then an orange glow surrounded him as the same hat appeared on his head. Grunting Fuwa slowly lifted up the last remaining ruins of the old lighthouse with two hooves.

"Such strength!" Hitch gasped. Then placing it down Fuwa walked around to the other side and kicked it with his back hooves sending it flying into the sea.

"Amazing!" Zipp's jaw hanged open a bit.

"I am so glad I live-streamed that!" Pipp said holding her phone out. Fuwa smiled as his orange glow vanished. 

"Yeah well, I can also do it in the air as well. Oh Oh! Sunny come look what I found!" Fuwa rushed back into the Brighthouse as fast as Hitch was when he saw somepony about to tip over a rubbish bin. Fuwa revealed a bag that he had to everypony there.

"What's in the bag?" Pipp wondered.

"It presents right? And glitter?" Izzy asked excitedly.

Fuwa opened the bag and brought out a... Rubber duck?

"What's that?" Hitch wondered. Izzy looked slightly disappointed but still Excited.

"This is Pinkie pie's key! The Rubber duck she received from cheese sandwich!" Fuwa revealed.

"The key for the harmony chest! Wow!" Sunny squealed fanponying. 

"It's just an old duck," Pipp grunted.

"Just an old duck? This duck helped unlock the very chest that Gave Twilight her castle! The Chest that helped them defeat Tirek! It's not just an old duck!" Sunny gasped. Fuwa mumbled something about education and then reached back into the bag. Sunny's attention was immediately drawn as he pulled something else out.

"This is the Necklace that once held the element of Kindness! Worn by Fluttershy," Fuwa informed.

"Shiny!" Izzy and Pipp cooed.

"What's the element of Kindness?" Zipp asked.

"The element of kindness was one of the six elements of harmony. Created by the tree of Harmony they helped Twilight and her friends defeat villain after villain!" Sunny shrieked.

"How much stuff do you have in that bag?" Hitch wondered. Placing the golden necklace that had the shape of a butterfly in its center next to the Rubber duck Fuwa reached back into the bag once more.

"This is the fire ruby heart gifted to Rarity by spike the dragon!" Fuwa grinned pulling out a beautiful gem in the shape of a heart.

"So pretty!" Izzy and Pipp gasped.

"What's next what's next!" Sunny giggled like a school girl clapping her hooves together as fast as she could.

"Next we have the jacket of Rainbow dash and one of her trophies!" Fuwa announced pulling out a Jacket and an old trophy. Sunny's eye's widened even more at the two things. Zipp reached over for the jacket wanting to try it on. However Sunny waked her hoof away with an animal look in her eyes.

"No Touching!" She snapped.

"And next we have the medal of friendship! Gifted to Spike by Twilight sparkle herself! Making Spike the ambassador of friendship!" Fuwa grinned pulling out a gold medal. Faster then thought Izzy gripped the dull medal in her hoof and started to restore it to it's former glory.

"And last but not least we have the necklace gifted to Twilight by discord himself! Her key to the Chest of Harmony and Twilight sparkles own royal Crown!" Fuwa made a trumpet noise pulling out the last of the relics.

Sunny's eyes went so large that she blacked out. Hitch rushed over and started to fan her.

"Too much Fuwa too much!" He said. Fuwa shrugged smiling. 

"Hey, Izzy do you think you can help me Restore these to their former selves?" Fuwa asked. Izzy nodded furiously and they got to work restoring the ancient artifacts.

And that's the first chapter of book two! Fuwa has brought back quite a few things of old and also has mastered his Super strength! So how will sunny react to the Relics back in prime condition? Find out next time on a new generation isekai. The tile: A throne of dark and light! What do you think it could be?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2022 ⏰

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