Reaction : School Day

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This is troublesome. If they found out my secrets, I'm definitely going to live like I always had.

Sounds very troublesome.


For the time being Z, I want you to search for anything suspicious about this place. All we know is that it's a big ol' theater that use the colour white. I don't know why, so let's call this place the White Room.


T, I want you to check on that A.A guy. He may look like the mastermind behind all of this, but we can't be sure just yet.


Come on, A.A. We'll play your little game.

*heartbeat noises*

What was that?

A.A : Let's continue with the next screening, shall we?

Even if we answer "no", he won't take that as an answer. All we could do is bear with it until we find a way out.

LN Ike : If you want to show us something, at least make us watch somebody else!

Ungrateful bastard.

A.A : "Somebody else", you say? Alright. Let's watch.


As I got off the bus, I saw a gate formed from a natural rock waiting just ahead. All the young boys and girls dressed in school uniforms were passing through this gate.


"Can he shut up?" "I don't know dude, it's pretty irritating."

A.A : So we just skipped the whole bus scene. The author must've been really bored if he skipped through it.

The Japanese government had created the Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School with the express purpose of developing future leaders. This would be my school for the next three years.

The whole student body began to feel proud for getting accepted into one of, if not the most prestigious school to date.

Okay, stop for a moment. Take a deep breath. Okayy, lesgo.

Chuckles could be heard.

"What kind of entrance is that? Why'd you need to take a deep breath just for a step?" Somebody from class C asked.

"An FYI, I don't give a single FUCK of what you think." I said.


Who are you, who are so wise in the ways of ruining people's mood?

*insert crows cheering*

LN Sakayanagi/Sakayanagi : Fufufufufu

LN Ryuuen/Ryuuen : Kukukukukuku

Fortunately, she was talking with the person that was sitting besides me on the bus. So, uh, I don't know if I should feel lucky or not about that.

Horikita : What do you mean by that, Hakim?

LN Horikita : Yes, yes. What do you mean by that?

I don't know how to deal with one Horikita, much less two of 'em. So, I did what most of my friends would do. Act like you're deaf.

LN Sudo : Oii! Don't you dare ignore Suzune, you hear me?!

Sudo : Yeah! Don't ignore her! Wow, other me has started calling Suzune by her name. I need to step up my game too!

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