Reaction : Funny Moment of (Mostly) Class-D

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A/N : I'm sorry for being gone for a long time. My school didn't gave us much of a mercy since they throw a lot of tests and exams at us, students, like how the plot of CotE. I'll explain everything at the end of the chapter so please, forgive me. I don't care if you hated the way of me telling this story or how I don't upload the chapters on time. But please, forgive me. I apologize from the bottom of my heart for keeping you all on hang and haven't entertained you guys much. Know that I love you all as much as I love my friends. To the story.

A.A : Welcome back everybody!!!

Kanzaki : Back? What do you mean? We've—

A.A : I'm not talking to you, my man.

Ishizaki : Then, who are you talking to?

A.A : Somebody that everyone used to know.

Everyone : Huh?

A.A : Alright, now we're going to be reacting to some of the funny moments that you guys, mostly Class 1-D since we don't have that much information on the others, and maybe react to something else.

Funny moment, huh? Didn't expect that from my class.

Hardly believe


Language, T

Shut up, Captain Z


Random 2nd Year : Funny Moment? Shouldn't it be Fail Moment since most of them are from some defective?

The immature students started laughing from that comment.

Kouenji : Please don't include myself with these kind of people. After all, I am a perfect human.

LN Nagumo : That includes you too, you narcissistic!

Kouenji : Ah, boy. Don't hate me because I'm beautiful, boy. Maybe if you got rid of that ol' yee-yee ass haircut you got, you'll get some bitches on your dick. Oh, better yet, maybe that sunflower senpai will call your dogass if she ever stop fucking with that monster or T-Rex she fucking with.



More silence

Bitch just got roasted by someone from a defective class. Heh, loser.

This time, there were a lot more laughter than before. I too laugh at this amusing comeback from my boy Kouenji. I don't know why, but something tells me that he deserves that.

A.A : Alright alright. Enough of that already, we got something to react to.

First Video

Inside the faculty room, there is a total of 11 peoples inside of it. 4 of the are from Class 1-D. 3 of the are from Class 1-C. 2 of them are the member of the Student Council. And the other 2 are the homeroom teacher from both class.

Hashimoto : What the hell, when does this take place?

A.A : This took place in July when Sudo was about to get suspended.

Sudou hang his head low. Well, that's natural since he had done something that endanger not just him but his whole class. Well, the past is the past. What can you do about it. It's not like you can time travel back.

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