Reaction : Kushida's Greatest Mistake

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A.A : And, I'm back.


A.A : We're going to run it back and I'm going to show you two more videos before we go into a 'Timeline Break'.

Everyone : Timeline Break?

A.A : Yes, one that many people have anticipated.

'More people?' But we're the only one here?

A.A : It's a pain to explain everything so let's just think of it as the higher-ups, okay?

Ishizaki : Well, I guess that makes sense a bit.

Horikita : And, what will we be reacting to now?

A.A : We will be reacting to "Kushida's Greatest Mistake".


Class D : Kushida's Greatest Mistake?

Kushida & LN Kushida : Shit!shit!shit!shit!shit! This is very bad! Fuck you, you piece of shit! I wish you die in a fire!

A.A : Scary!

LN Ike : Will we finally watch Kushida's thoughts now?! HELL YEAH!!!

Yama-who : WOOOOOOOO!

Oh right, I forgot he exist. Somehow it's a good thing that he's not here in the original universe.


A.A : Let's begin, shall we?


What the hell was that?

I left the library and chased after Kushida. I wanted to thank her for working so hard to get the study group together, and to apologize. Besides, I wanted to do everything possible to get along with such a cute girl, you know?

Such boldness.

But he wasn't wrong. Kushida IS a cute girl.

I wonder.

But I have a bad feeling about this.

LN Hashimoto : Woah, woah, woah, woah. Context?

A.A : Ah, right. This was on the second month of the school. When you guys were having the first exam. The study group consisting of Horikita Suzune, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, Kushida Kikyou, Sudo Ken, Ike Kanji, Okitani Kyosuke and Yama-something.

Yamauchi : OII!!

LN Sakayanagi & Ryuuen : Fufufufu/Kukukuku

LN Class A & C : HEHEHEHA!

Ayanokouji : But, I wonder why are they showing my thoughts now?

"I don't know man. Maybe it's your turn this time. Then is my turn? I don't know."

Whipping out my cell phone, I pulled up Kushida's contact information. Although it was my second time calling, I felt nervous contacting her. The phone rang twice, then three times. However, she didn't pick up. Did she not notice me calling? Or was she refusing to answer it?

Kushisimp : Poor guy. Was ignored by our goddess.

LN Shinohara & Shinohara : How pathetic. Why are even watching you and your thoughts right now? It would be better if we're watching Hirata-kun.


Can I kill them now?

Thought you repented?

I changed my mind.

Later, when they go out of hands.


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