Reaction : His Daily Life

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A.A : Alright, everyone. Pardon me for the long delay and before we continue, let's treat ourselves with a short break. I'll gibe you guys for about 20 minutes to get everything done.

And with that, most of the students got up from their seats. Some goes to their group and have a discussion while some went to the toilet to well... do what you do in the toilet. While this was going on, everyone was talking to each other about the videos that were shown to us. I could see a few of my classmates walked over towards my direction. Namely Horikita Suzune and Hirata Yosuke. Maybe because they wanted to talk to Ayanokouji, who is minding his own business besides me.

A.A : I'm really sorry for the huge delay, audience from the other side. However, everything will be explained at the end of the chapter.

"What do you think about this, Ayanokouji-kun?" Horikita started the interview.

"I think I want to go to bed." Ayanokouji answered. To be honest, I agree with him

"Please do give a serious response, Ayanokouji-kun. For all of us." This is the first time I've seen her begged to be answered.

"Horikita-san is right you know, Ayanokouji-kun. After all, I believe we need you to get out of this predicament we're all stuck in." Hirata jumped into the conversation.

"...Well for starter, I don't like this at all. But then again, there's nothing we can do to prevent this from happening any longer. The only thing we can do now is just wait until that guy releases us." Ayanokouji said while pointing at A.A

While my mind was wandering around this place, I noticed that Sakura was talking with a blue haired girl, Hasebe Haruka. Well, at least she's being independent now. Miyake was talking with Yukimura, and the others are well... with the others. Should I go to the toilet? I mean, there's nothing I can do if I stayed here doing nothing for 15 minutes.

"Hakim, can I get your opinion on this?" Horikita asked me the same question.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, sure. What are we talking about again?" I asked. Horikita gave me a blank stare. Is she trying to copy Ayanokouji? "I'm kidding." I sweatdrop.

"Well, when I think about it. There's nothing for me to gain here except for embarrassment. I mean, come on. Everyone is watching me living my life at this school, including the teachers. To make it worse, everyone can hear my thoughts. It's not like I'm thinking about something bad. I'm glad it doesn't get too detailed like what I do when I'm alone." I gave out my opinion.

"Yeah, but didn't we watched you listen to your music?" Hirata questioned.

"Oh, Hirata. That is embarrassing yes, but it's something that I got used to. As a matter of fact, that's only the tip of the iceberg. I mean what can you do with the information about my music playlist?"

"Yeah, you're right." Hirata replied

"Aren't you just taking this from your own perspective?" Ehh, so she's looking at the bigger picture here. Interestingly interesting, ehh?


"Yeah, Suzune. What do you mean by that?" Sudo came out of nowhere and decided to join the conversation.

As Sudo said that, I noticed that every single one of my classmates came over to my place. Great, now everyone is here. Who's going to come next, Chabashira-sensei? Might as well just call everyone here.

"What I mean is that Hakim has only been talking about the things from his perspective, but what about the others. And Sudo, I never gave you permission to use my first name so casually so please drop it." Horikita said.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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