Reaction : My Song Playlist Part 1

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Previously, on this series

A.A : sate, now that that's done. I want to ask you a question. You, I want your confirmation for continuing this screening.

A.A said as he points his finger at me.


A.A grins as he hears my approval.

A.A : What do you want to be exposed first? Your music playlist, what appears when you open TikTok or what you do on your free time? The choice is yours to make.

Fucking HEL—

Now, continuing

What's wrong with this man? First, he kidnaps us. Second, make us watch this damn shows. And now, he's boutta expose what I do everyday? He really wants me to be a goner, right?

Most probably

Now, let's see. If I say, I want to expose my playlist song, it's not that big of a deal, you know. It's just songs. But the problem is, they'll know that I'm a huge tokusatsu fan. And what will happen when they know that I'm a huge tokusatsu fan? They'll make fun of me. Well, that's what happened in my country. You know, they'll say 'You old, still watch Ultraman, still watch Kamen Rider. Haiyaa, such a disappointment' and such.

If I say, my fyp on TikTok (oh yeah, fyp means for you page. Just in case you don't know what that means). Same, it's not that big of a deal, just memes, scary stories, songs....tokusatsu stuff.... and more tokusatsu stuff. Fu—

Ahem, well. If I chose the last option, that'll be more embarrassing than ever.

Let's go with the first option.

"Yeah, just show what's on my playlist." I said.

A.A : Well, since you took a very long time to decide, how about we spice it up a notch?

"How spicy, may I ask?"

A.A : We'll be watching you listening to the song, how about that?

I fucking hate this dude

Language, there are children here.

Shut up, there's no such thing as children on this theater

Everyone inside the theater starts encouraging A.A's words and agreed with him. Guys, what the duck.


"Just do what you want to do" I surrendered. "Damn, brat"


*static noises*

Damn, I'm bored. And there's nothing to do.

Random student 1 : Dude, relatable. I starts my day like that too.

"Damn, coincidence at it's finest."

Maybe I'll do the same as everyday. Let's listen to some song.

Oh fuck, this is gonna be embarrassing as hell.

Ike : Oh, it's starting.

We know that.

Well, maybe he's just excited. No need to be salty, right?




A.A : Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. Just because you have too many songs on your playlist, it's gonna be like one of those episode stuff. So this is Episode 1 of listening to your playlist.

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