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As I gazed out at the forest beside me, Google must've noticed something was up, because he asked me, and gave me a creepy smile. "Is something the matter?"

"No," I whispered bluntly, not wanting to wake anyone up.

"My sensors indicate that something is wrong. Would you like me to play some calming music at max volume for max relaxation?"

"No, Google, keep it down. I don't want to wake up anyone. I'm fine."

"My resources say that 'I'm fine' is a phrase commonly used to hide negative emotions. Tell me. What are you feeling, right now? Perhaps you are feeling--"

"Google, shush!" I yelled in a whisper. He looked a little annoyed that I interrupted him. "I said I'm fine! That term isn't always used to hide negative emotions! I'm actually okay! Just... Is there anyone else living here? Y'know... Other than us?"

"There is one other person that lives here. A female."

Throughout the day, I kept looking at the forest, waiting for Jessica to show up. Just as I was about to go in there, Jessica finally came out.

"Hey. Sorry it took me so long," She said sheepishly. "There was a--"

"I don't want any of your lame excuses! You had me worried sick, thinking I was going crazy!"

I thought for a moment that I saw her flinch, again. "I'm sorry, okay?" She looked at the floor, clearly feeling guilty.

I felt bad for snapping at her. "Hey. I'm sorry. Are you okay? What's wrong? Was I too harsh? Did I yell too loud? Snap too hard?"

"Look, it may not seem like it, but I'm not as brave and okay as I looked in your dream. Yes, that was me, but I was also just putting on a brave face so you wouldn't think I'm just a worthless rat that's scared of everything." She sighed. "I've been through some things as Captain. It changed me. The only good thing it did, though, was make me better at hiding my emotions, if even that."

"I'm sorry."

"No, it's fine. I'm sorry for making you worry. Also, that Yancy guy's nice."

I felt my face turned red. "What?! I don't... How did you know?"

"Telepathy, remember? Look, I wanna go to prison with you, okay? You seem nice and I'm tired of being out here alone."

"You just want to see me and Yancy together, don't you?" I asked.

"No, I seriously don't. You think it's fun to be alone for so long that I've lost track?" She asked with seriousness.

"I... Well, no, but... Who's your crush?"

"That's my darkest secret." I raised an eyebrow, smirking, thinking she was joking. "It is! I've been through some stuff with it! I lost my best friend from it! I've since learned that she was a toxic homophobic, but still!"

I stopped raising my eyebrow and smirking, and instead put on a worried and concerned expression. "I'm sorry... I didn't know..."

"It's fine. Ember was a-- Is that Mark?" I looked over to Mark, who was talking to Celci, most likely mocking her.

"You know him?"

"Yeah! He was my Head Engineer! Same as your Mark, just with me instead of you. Hey, Mark!" He looked over to us with a confused face, then made a face at Celci, saying something to her, then walked over.

"Captain, who is this?"

"This is Jessica--"

"Please. Call me Jess. Both of you. I was the Captain of the Invisible II in another universe, but I got enough psychic power to stay here when the multiverse was fixed."

"You believe this?"

"Yeah. She has enough psychic power to go into people's minds. She was in my dream, last night, but other than her psychic powers, she's weak. Physically and mentally."

"Hey, physically?" She echoed, slightly offended.

"Sorry, but I can just tell you go through Hell when you're tired. Headaches, passing out at the mention of sleep or just passing out, stuff like that. Although, sometimes, you can keep yourself conscious for a bit longer after someone mentions sleep. Sometimes."

"Wait. How did--"

"How do I know that? Dark? Is that you doing that? Stop messing with me."

"Fine." He revealed himself to me for a moment. "But I'm just speeding things up between you two. Helping you get to know her better. She already knows everything with telepathy." Then, he disappeared.

"That's normal for tired people, anyways!" Jessica defended.

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine. I just... It's fine. Speaking of being tired, I got no sleep last night."

"Oh. Do you need a nap?"

"No! ...Maybe! ...Kinda... I'm fine, though. I don't really need one. I'll just go sit under a tree or something."

"Okay. Bye."

"She seems nice," Mark commented. I looked at him.

The Way Back [Book 2 of One Tragic End to a Million Stories]Where stories live. Discover now