maby the punks are not the bad people

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Pov of Brooke "we can't find raccoon he was here but he thought he heard you run in to the woods" Cody says in a panic
" He's scared of the woods, what was he thinking" Georgia grabs something out of the truck
I run in to the woods screaming his name with everyone else behind me
"He can't be far" Cody yells out while running 
I see a man stop in his tracks and turn around as the flash lights hit his body
" We have been looking everywhere for y.. "I hear a gunshot go off and see the life fade out of his body
  "Who did the... " I look down to see a gun in my hand
  " Brooke" I hear someone call my name for a far
"Brooke wake up" I slam my head up to see I'm in a classroom with raccoon and his friends and 2 of mine
"Earth to Brooke what are wearing for the party tonight" I give her a questioning look
"Jason's year party" she says looking at my confused face
" I forgot about that I will see what raccoon is going to wear" I go to turn around to talk to raccoon
" Brooke get your head out of your ass your trash guy and his disgusting Posey can't come "
I look at raccoon sleeping, skunk looking at Cody's drawings
"Then I'm not going " all of them look at me
" GO" I look at my friends then his
" Just go have fun with your friends we will ploby just be playing video games just call us if you need us "raccoon lays his head back

At the party
  " I see your rodent didn't come with you thank god" one of the football players hands me a drink
" You know they are people too" I take a few sips
" They are felons, Brooke , they start trouble for fun, they have been to jail and to add on to it one of them is in prison for many years for killing his dad his dad was a cop Brooke a cop that saved many lives"
  I drink the rest of my drink  " that's not true you are just making stuff up"
He pulls out his phone and types stuff in " if you believe it or not "  he shows me his phone and picture of raccoon with his arm wrapped around a kid with a yellow punk mullet with the text * local hero killed by his own son on Sunday night * and another picture under it with the kid in handcuffs and a blue jumpsuit smiling with his hand making devil horns.
" So raccoons friend and people like him are murders " I give the phone back to him with a shocked look
" I'm going to go find the girls " I walk into a crowd of teens
  " Hey Brooke I got you another drink" Michael the church boy hand me another drink
  " Thanks, Michael" he grabs my arm
  " I'm sorry about the bomb fire but do you want to waste your life on those punks like they are nothing but trash he took advantage of you for sex" 
  I rip my arm out of his grasp and run into a girl
" I'm sorry I didn't see"
  The girl takes her hood off and grabs my hand
" Racoon ask me to stop by to check up on you and seeing what I just saw I'm glad I did "
My friends walk up to us
" This is my cue to leave"
Cody goes to leave
" Wait why don't you stay and maybe we can have girl talk "
Cody turns around and grabs my drink and gulps it down
" I guess I have nowhere else to go " Cody follows my friends and I into Rachaels room
2 hours later
" Cody does not seem to be that bad"
I smile and continue painting my nails
" They are people like us just different"
We hear loud bangs
"What was that"
We run out of her room
I run where everyone is
" Get out of my house you fucking  disgusting trash" I see raccoon and 5 other people including skunk, Roxy, a guy named snake that has a slit tongue and snake eyes, a tall girl with slim body she's more on the metal side
"Where the fuck is my sister" 
Raccoon looks at me and I know by his look that he needs me by his side
" Cody baby"
Snake turns off the music
" Now that you are listening where the fuck is my sister" skunk and raccoon walk to the only door that is locked
" Unlock this door"
Jason walks up to us
" No fuck off"
Racoon raises his eye brown than kicks in the door
I walk in to the room to see Cody covered in blood and the clothes that she did had on almost ripped off
" What have they done to you Cody" raccoon takes off his shirt and  wraps it around her and walks out of the room with her blood running down his body
"Brooke come on sweet heart let's take you home" I grab on to raccoons belt loop and walk out with them
" What your going to leave us for those trash"
Racoon stops and looks at me
" There not trash they are family they would never do anything like this " I grab his belt loop and walk out with them
At the hospital
" I'm sorry that one of my friends did this " I look around the waiting room filled with punks"
It's not your fault that's where you was born in to like we was born in to this" Roxy  points to raccoon and skunk sleeping on the floor
" They was born punks"
She points to snake shakeing the vending machine " his parents hate him for it"
She sighs " and Cody was beat and throw out for it and was beat again for being trans"
The nurse walks out  " family of Cody" everyone jumps up from where they are but snake still try to get something out of the machine " are you all here for Cody" raccoons mom steps forward " yes how is she doing" the nurse looks at the chart " they are pretty ruffed up and have many stitches on there face and a broken rib"
Skunk gets closer
" Can we go see her now"
The nurse nods her head
"Stop fighting the stupid machine and let's go " snake rolls his eyes and walks after us
" I don't think I should go I'm the reason she is like this" raccoon grabs my hand
And walks us to the room
Snake grabs the remote and throws him self on the extra bed
" How you feeling hotshot "skunk kisses her forehead
" I feel like a shot but I don't feel hot" 
Roxy and Georgia walk to the other side of her bed and grab a wet cloth and try to clean Cody up
'' I'm so sorry Cody it's my friends that did this to you" I put my head down as tears fall out of my eyes
  raccoon pulls me on Codys bed and makes me sit down" Brooke it's not your fault"
Cody puts her hand under my chin  "I'm glad it was me and not you"
Raccoons left bicep and arm start twitching so he grabs his arm hopeing no one saw it
"Are you ok bug"
His mom walks over to him and puts her hand on his chest
" Do you feel ok"
Everyone is now focused on raccoon
" I'm fine everyone stop making a big deal about ok"
Raccoons arm stops and he walks out
"Can someone please explain what that was about" Georgia sits down next to me
"He has really bad schizophrenia and he has this seizure like things cause of how bad it is no doctor can figure it out, they are worse when he's off his meds and who knows how long he has been off them and it's going to be a fight to get him back on them cause he believes that they don't work and is part of the government trying to control him"
Cody moves over so skunk can sit down" one night at a party he went crazy thinking that the reptile people was coming for him and he stood on the room with a Axe and almost cut off snakes head" skunk starts laughing so hard and try to get words out" I...I mean he isn't wrong snake is a reptile. " Georgia sits on roxy
" When he was young he told me and cult that the little girl was going to kill him if he didn't give her dead animals every night so he would go and find dead animals and leave them under his bed so everyday cult would remove them and throw them in to the woods, I think that's when realized he had schizophrenia, it made cult upset that he passed it on to him and that his boy would suffer just like him"
A old man with ripped clothes and a torn apart backpack with mud all over  him and a shaggy hair cut knocks on the door
" Got room for a crazy old man"
Everybody's eyes get wide and they get happy
Raccoons mom gets up and hugs him
"Thank you for taking care of raccoon crusty"
He sets down his backpack and sits on the bed snake is on
"I took care of him the same as I did for cult they are my boys"
Snake turns off the TV
"So what you young punks talking about "
Everybody sits back
" We are talking about raccoon off his meds"
The old man looks at raccoons mom
" When we where on the road he carried this stupid goats head don't know where he got it but he said it talking to him and that if he had it nothing would hurt him, he carried that stupid thing for almost a week I thought he was going to carry it everywhere but the cops busted us  they arrested me he was able to run but they had the head so I guess he had to go on with out it"
We hear foot steps coming down the hall
" Mom they.."
Raccoon stops in the door way and his eyes get big
" No fucking way crusty I thought I was never going to see your old ass again I guess they can't keep one of the punk gods locked up  forever"
It hit me when raccoon said punk god that I remember this man when me and raccoon was younger we had to write a essay on what we believe in I choose human peace and raccoon choose drum roll please you guessed it punk gods I got a A+ raccoon got a C- cause the teacher said it was not realistic  and some how human peace is but raccoon wrote about crusty and how long he has been the streets and train hopping and how it seems like he know everything, and how he made punk.
" So you must be Brooke?, I haven't seen you since was 13, how did you end up in the group?"
Raccoon sits down by me
" The first day of school I was told to show him all the classes and we started talking and we have been hanging out for some time so"
Skunk pokes raccoons side
"K I S S I N G"
Skunk screams
" So I guess rat boy has found his love that is alive"
I look at crusty confused
" My first love died while I was homeless she had a ploblom with drugs and she got to out of hand and overdosed"
Raccoons mom gets up and hugs his head
" I'm so sorry bud when you called me to tell me I didn't know that's how she died I thought she like fell off the train or got killed I didn't know that was the reason"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2022 ⏰

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