fuck step dad

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All our classes was done and now we are walking to where everyone parks their cars "
so are you going to go with me to see my mom" I have not seen his mom in awhile
"yeah of course I miss your mom" I text my mom saying I'm going to go study at the libary "
so are we walking to your house" he looks at me than points at a trophy truck with words written all over it " thats my punk truck"
  I walk beside him to this truck hopeing no body saw me "hey Brooke are we still going to have dinner together" I look at the boy my parents want me to date "umm I'm kinda doing something tonight so..." Raccoon gets out of the truck and looks at us" my parents are coming to your house tonight" my eyes roll right as I hear raccoons raspy voice go down my neck "let's go before the cops try to tackle me again " raccoon grabs my hand lightly and opens the door for me" get away from my truck gods stupid child" hearing him tell people off is kinda attractive
            At raccoons mom
"Thank fucking god Mr pig isn't here" Mr pig is his step dad that is a cop, his dad was a cool dude."open this dame door women" racooon says in a low voice as he opens the door" hey woman where is my beer cause I'm to much of a pussy to drink real men liqure" racoon says makeing fun of his step dad" I thought you was never going to come home I thought I was going to get a knock at the door saying my son was dead" she says as she hugs him" o my god brook look how you have turned in to a beautiful woman" she hugs me than looks at raccoon with a pissed face on his face "where the fuck is my dads vest" his dad's vest got put in a glass shelf that hanged on the wall" where the fuck is my first pair of crust punk pants dad made me" I knew this was not going to be good" what has he done to our house mom dad made this house for us not some fucking pig" raccoons mother looks at me worried" since that pig fucking dragged me here I'm redoing our house" I know how upset it makes raccoon" so my family is haveing a dinner and i was wondring if you guys would like to come" she smiles and looks at raccoon stomping around" this is going to be hard for him" I grab raccoons hand and led him to his room" I fucking hate him" he opens his door and walks in to his room to see one of his guitars misssing" no fucking way" he runs down to where his mom is" where the fuck is my dads guitar" she looks at him and grabs his hand and walk him to the guest room and unlocks the door and walks in to it with him" I was fixing it for you I know how much it means to you" he hugs his mom he 6'1 and his mom is 5'7 so he over towers her" I still cant believe you are dateing a pig mom" so looks at him ashamed "dad wanted you to be happy not with a pig" his step dad walks in "well if it isnt trouble" raccoon does not let go of his mom huging her " mom the fucking pig is in my house" his stepdad walks up to him and his mom "have some rescpect boy" raccoon grabs a picture frame "fuck you pig" raccoon throws it on the couch and reaches in to his pants and pull out a smoke and lights it in front of his stepdad as he walks up stairs to his room still smokeing it" no smokeing in this house boy" fuck off this is my house bitch" raccoons mom walks over to me so when should we go to your house sweetheart" I say a hour" I say as I look at her with sad eyes, I know it upsets her when they fight" I know raccoon has not been the same since his dad died, its....its like a part of him died when cult did" I hug her " I'm going to go check on him hes plobly going through his dad's stuff" I head up stairs and open the door that says baby punk and look at the room that was a nursery 18 years ago that now has writing on the walls and posters on the walls and roof" isnt this your dads flag" I put my hand on the flag with rips and memory" yeah it still is" I saw the hurt in his eyes as he hand me a picture frame with a picture of when he was born with a Mohawk and his dad is shirtless holding him with a big smile on his face" I should have known that I was going to be a punk I was born with a Mohawk" he hands me another one of him learning how to walk with his dads vest on" I sware I was born in that vest" he grabs a glass case and puts it on his bed" this is the first time I have seen his vest" I look at the vest and realize that his dad's blood is still on it from when his dad got killed" if you have his vest what was he buried in" raccoon stops going through his room" he was buried with hes Mohawk hawk up and my teeth neckless around his neck with his dragon neckless, my hospital band that he turned in to a bracless, he had his wedding ring and his anarchy ring on, all he had on was his leather jacket, mom buried him in his crust pants and his black docs and mom gave me his red ones and mom put his favorite skunk on him and I have his other one" I sit on his bed" so tonight we are going to a punk show" my eyes got big I have never been to any punk anything" my parents won't let me" he thinks for a min" i will have my mom lie and say that we are going to watch a movie tonight" dame looks I'm going to my first punk show" I dont fit in" he grabs my hand and walks down stairs" hey mom we are going to a show later" she smiles "where" raccoon jumps on to the counter "dirty rats, skunk invited both of us" his step dad sits on the couch" invited where" his mom looks at raccoon" to Brookes for dinner before you have to go to work.

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