Chapter 2 - Long Way to go

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      For Your Smile by QUEENIKINI


-3 Years ago-
[First Day of the University starts]

"I can't go.............."
I shout and fell into the sofa.

"My Chay..."

I heard My brother's soft voice.

"This is not fair.
When I start to go to university, You are going to graduate..
Noooooo... I want to study with you..."


I saw P'Porsche coming with cleaning his hands with a tissue.

"We can study one semester together, you know..."

"I will miss you.."
I said while hugging P'Porsche.

"Oh my baby boy... Hia loves you sooo much, you know..."

I tighten the grip.

"Hey... Go Go Go... now take your lazy ass from here and put your uniform to prepare to go to the  university..."

I pout my face and gave him a kiss on his cheeks.

"Hurry up..."
He chuckles while give me a pat on my head.


"P... I feel little nervous."

I pinched P'Porsche's arm and looked at him.

"Hey... No need to afraid or anything... you will have a amazing time with your faculty.
Just smile more and try to make some friends.."

"That s all?"

"Yeah... You can try, if you feel I'm lying."


"If you need any help or if something happens , you can call me right.."

I nodded.

"I will come to you within minute... okay?"

I nodded again.

"I love you.." I said with pouting my face.

"Love you too Chay.... Hia loves you the most."

I put steps to the faculty and avert my eyes again to P'Porsche with a little smile.

He nodded and I gave him little big smile this time.

So I have to smile more...? Really ...?

There are more students than the day I came to interview here.
I just smiled with everyone.
Am I looking like a psychopath ?

"So You like to smile huh?"
I brought my eyes to the person infront of me.

"I don't actually, My brother told me to smile more, then I will make more friends..."

"Hahahahha... really... My mother told me just don't open my mouth, then I will find more friends..."

I chuckled...
Really ? He is really fun person to be with.

"I'm Porchay..."
I gave my hand for shake.

"Arch here..."
He took my hand and shaked it like crazy.

"Hey enough enough..."

"Ah.. Oh... Yeah Yeah... I just felt sooo happy...
Nice to meet you my very first uni friend..."

For Your Smile - KimChay | FFWhere stories live. Discover now