Chapter-36 The road to Redemption

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"Whoa, hold on just a sec." Link said, tugging on the horse's reins. A click of his tongue caused the animal to slide his hooves to an abrupt stop.

Zelda twisted in the saddle to glance back at him. Curious as to why he halted.

"There's something I need to do. A promise I made. I think...I think we should go this way first."

Having halted beside them, Kelcifer spoke. "Sorry, my good sir, but I think the princess wanted to see her friend—"

"It's just a quick stop I need to make."

Zelda chimed in. "If Link says there's a reason why he would like to make a pit stop on the way, then I for one want to be there for him. He wouldn't say so if it wasn't important."

Kelcifer relented and bowed his head in humilty at her decision. "As you wish, your highness. Lead on then my good man."

"It will be really quick, I promise." Link said, reassuring Zelda. "However, there's someone I left behind before the battle started. One of Simon's men. I need to make sure he got out of there alright."

As Link said those words, he spotted more and more reinforcements marching toward them. They were coming to the entrance of the city. They would be descending on their position in no time.

Zelda spoke, also seeing the oncoming marching of men from every tribe and flag of people. "Which reminds me, my lord-"

"Kelcifer, your majesty, there's no need for formalities. I'm not a lord, I'm afraid. Just a humble servant."

"Yes, sorry, I mean, mister Kelcifer. Speaking of lords...What did the lord of your house say when he received my letter in plea for his aide? And why hasn't any of his banner-men shown themselves to us? Surely, they had sufficient time to assemble and make a forced march?"

Link shrugged, staying the horse before they could plop away and waited for the wizard's reply. Kelcifer remained in silence, shook his head and then spoke up to them. "I'm sorry your grace, but we never received such correspondence."

Zelda was dumbfounded and almost slid off their horse in shock. "What? But, how? Impa told me she sent the letters days and days ago?"

"I assure you princess, that neither I or any lord of the Stonelands have heard of your plight--or your return, for that matter. In fact, if it weren't for the men of Illiastar that you sent for me, I wouldn't be standing before you now. I'm sorry, but nobody came to Serpent's Keep."

Zelda pondered for a moment and cupped her chin.

"Then, that means, if the letter was never received, then Draene won't be coming after all. What could have happened to the dispatches?" She whispered to herself of the ramifications of such a notion. How did they not receive them? But, her thoughts were cut short by a sudden touch of skin.

With a bit of confidence, Kelcifer smiled, placing a calming hand over her free one that lay atop the horse's mane. With an assuring squeeze, he spoke firmly. "That my liege is not entirely accurate."

Zelda tilted her head down toward him with bent eyebrows.

"I hope you don't mind but I already took the liberty and sent word for the whole of my liege's house."

Zelda inhaled deeply and listened intently.

The wizard continued. "The very moment I was summoned, in fact." He turned to lock eyes with her again. This time, a wide smile stretched from ear to ear.

"They should have most certainly received my message by now and if I know any better, Mister Mattock, an advisor to my lord is most certainly on his way with a small company of his finest troops. He wasn't too far off from where I was found. He would surely be chasing after me if he got my message."

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