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Jungkook did not expect that a storm would effectively pass by their location and become a typhoon along the way. Nevertheless, he had to prepare for it. He initially wanted his assistant to buy him the groceries but his sons were too picky.

The coldest assassin was now standing in front of a wet market with his umbrella on hand. He was actually contemplating of making a grocery list but thought that it might get wet. But after all, he had a good memory.

"Pork! Pork!" "Sir, do you want chicken? We have chicken!" "You look like you could use a banana milk!"

The boy passed through the streets of the market but stopped. On second thought, a banana milk would be nice. Hence, he proudly walked over the man who was selling a banana milk.

Jungkook was slightly amazed because it was the first time he encountered someone selling a banana milk in the wet market.

"That would be ten won," the man said before the latter fished out some coins from the pocket of his coat. Just like Jungkook, the man was amazed of him too. It was his first time seeing someone so fashionable here.

Afterwards, Jungkook made his way towards the pork bellies — wherever that was. That was the first in his list because his sons loved that part of the pork. They could go on a week eating only that.

However, what made the assassin do a double take was the little boy crying immensely in the corner. The small hole at the top of the boy allowed the rain to enter the premises of the market.

He had to chuckle out of awe when the boy purposely avoided the rain by scooting farther but not leaving his place. Was he scolded by his parents? Was he afraid of the rain? Jungkook was curious.

Before Jungkook could get any more curious, he opted to buy everything he needed first. He promised his sons that he would cook them pork belly and ramen later. It was their favorite.

"What the..." He was sure that it took him an hour to finish. However, why was the little boy still there?

Sighing, he made his way to the little boy — wanting to help him. Do not get Jungkook wrong. Yes, he might be an assassin but he always had a soft spot for children. This was the reason why he took in those "sons" he was referring to.

He found them and took care of them. He just liked calling him his sons.

"Little boy," Jungkook started as he looked at the crying boy who was adorably hugging his knees. "Why are you crying?"

The little boy sobbed as he stared back at the older fashionable man in front of him. His parents told him that he should never talk to strangers. But what can he do when his parents abandoned him?

"I-I..." He choked back a sob. "I don't know where my parents are..."

Jungkook promised himself that having two sons were enough — however, he could not seem to leave the little boy who got abandoned by his parents. So, he took the time to accompany the boy, hopeful that his parents return.

"I'm Jungkook," he wanted to assure the child that he meant no harm. "Do you want a banana milk?"

"I'm Soobin," the boy really was shy as he slowly nodded, making Jungkook chuckle. For some reason, the assassin noticed how cute his eyes were.

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