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The National Museum of Artifacts is known, not just nationwide, but the global entirety is aware of it being the most heavily guarded museum to exist. Based in the heart of South Korea, it is flocked by almost everyone — especially to the tourists.

The guards are handpicked among the finest of nations. Not only that, they undergo rigorous training too — to the point that assassins had experienced being guards of the museum. In every door, there is a fingerprint and eye scanner, which is why everyone who goes into the museum needed to be accompanied by a staff.

Tons of con artists have attempted to challenge its security, however, none were successful. If there were any, they never made it out of the museum alive.

Nine feet below the museum, the Ruby of the Queen lies. It was known to belong to the first Asian Royalties and is passed down from generations to generations. What makes it special? It was said that whoever possessed it will be given immortality.

Because of the countless times it was attempted to be stolen, its security was far more complex and tight. One who would enter the hallways needed to become invisible because a person's sight and touch would be detected by the cameras and sensors. Additionally, the place where it lied had the power to suck in all their oxygen, incapacitating the person.

Today, the nine assassins will attempt to steal it.

"Is everything clear?" Yeji asked through her in-earplug. A voice then followed, "Yes. Go."

The cat-eyed assassin removed the tie in her hair, its motion going slow as the crowd surrounding her stared in awe. Sporting a gorgeous smile, the female leader charmed her way to the path leading to the Ruby of the Queen.

Growing up, Yeji was the charmer of the group — her unique eyes even became the talk of the town. Although no matter how much men made advances towards her, her heart would always be closed.

"I'm approaching the guards," she added. That was the cue for Taehyun to move nearer.

Taehyun was the hacker of the group — no, he was not one of those people who learned coding at the age of two. He learned through time. Actually, the whole group was taught how to hack but only Taehyun stood out.

As of now, his location would ruin the plan since their communication signal could only work for such distance. Hence, he had to transport to another place.

"Kai, I'm going in," Taehyun said, making Kai clutch his shotgun.

Kai was responsible for keeping lookout outside of the museum. Since they started training, Kai was the one who had great aim in terms of guns. He was highly reliable in that area.

"Coast is clear," Kai assured him. In turn, Taehyun sprinted towards the tech room, unlocking the door in the process.

Once he settled in, he immediately took control of all of the the CCTV cameras and sensors there was. Yeji could not make a move without him doing it.

"Taehyun, are you done?" Yeji did not want to make it obvious that she was anxious — especially, since she was only seconds away from the guards.

"Just a sec!" Taehyun exclaimed as his hands rummaged through the keyboards, typing every code there was. Afterwards, he was now the master of the museum's security. "Now."

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