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Sivaangi Pov :

My heart is paining a lot. Why it's hurting like hell? He chooses his life then I have to choose mine. He is the one who should feel suffer. He left me but he is happy.

If this can ease my pain then I am gonna try this. Now I am starting to get drunk. I went to the dance floor with my wobble legs and started to dance crazily. Nana and Shivanya join me on the dance floor. We were dancing like there is no tomorrow. Someone wraps their hands around my waist. Now back is facing them.

I don't bother to look at them. I was just dancing to my heart's content. After some time he started to touch my back and thigh. I turned and shouted. "DON'T TOUCH ME".

: Why are you shouting beautiful? You were enjoying me earlier. Now what went wrong?" he ask me and lick his lips.

Disgusting bastard. He again tries to touch me. I pushed his hands and went back to maintain some distance. He came forward and raises his hands to touch my hold his hands and slapped him.

Siv:DON'T YOU DARE TO TOUCH ME, this caught everyone's attention.

Nana and Shivanya rushed to me.

: You bitch how dare you slap me, he raises his hand to beat me. But his hand was held by someone. I look at the person who I am hiding from this much time.

Sam pushed that guy and said,

Sam: it's not good to raise your hand on women.

Siv: You don't need to come in this sir. We will manage, I said looking at him. Maybe, alcohol gives me the courage to talk.

He is fuming in anger. He came to me and said

Sam: What are you doing here? how dare he can question me? Who is he to me?

Siv: It's none of your business, sir. My life I will do anything I want, I said and turn to leave,

He holds my hand tightly.

Sam: You are my secretary so I have the right to say this.. Leave from here you are drunk, he said.

The audacity of him to say. I look at him blankly.

Siv: It's not your office and I am not your secretary now. This is my personal life. I don't remember I gave anyone any right to poke their nose in my personal life, I said to him. He looks shocked. I never talk with anyone in this tone.

But now I have to. I am not that weak as he thinks. Yes, it's hurting me to talk like this to him. But he hurt me more than he imagine. I shrug my hands forcefully to get out of his stronghold.

I went from there with Nana and Shivanya. I was drunk and not able to walk. We three came out from the club. Thank god they both are not drunk like me. I was shouting and cursing Sam for my state. 

They take me home. I started to cry like a baby. I don't want to show my weakness in front of them. I never thought Sam could do this to me. I thought he loved me. I cried and slept.

The next day I got ready for to office. I told myself that I don't care whatever happens. I am not weak and I will move on from this. Shivanya and I went to the office while Nana went for her.

As usual, I went to his office to report this schedule with his Black tea. I knock and enter his room. He looks tired. I scoff at my thought. Maybe he was busy with his Fiancé yesterday.

That very thought of him holding another woman and loving her as he did to me makes my heart clench in my chest. No no... Siv don't you dare to cry.

I greet him with a smile.

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