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Siv Pov:

I try to open my eyes. I pried my eyes open only to engulf them with darkness. I shifted a little to sit straight but my hands and legs are tied, I can't move them. Where I am? What's this place? A sharp pain pierced throughout my body.

A groan escaped from my mouth. I try to get up. I look around my surrounding, only small light coming from the window which is also closed. I don't know how many hours I am like this in this position. My muscles churn in stiffness. I got up with more difficulty.

Someone kidnapped me but who is that? I don't have enemies; even though I have they will not go this far as to kidnap me. Does my friend know I am kidnapped? Does Edward know? Will he come to save me? Why should he, he has to take care of his marriage stuff I am just his ex.

With much difficulty, I stood up and begin to move where I can see sunrays. In this dark place, I can't see anything I need to open that window and see where I am at least. I took baby steps, not wanting the kidnappers to know that I am conscious now. It was dark everywhere, except the little light from the crack of the window.

I reach the window. I tiptoe my legs by griping into the window bars. I try to look outside between the cracks. By the sudden light, I shut my eyes. I slowly open my eyes to adjust to the sunlight. I can't see clearly where I am. So I try to open the window with tied hands. I opened it a little. It looks like a construction site. I look around. It's like a room but a very old place. On my left side, I see something is shining. I bend down a little bit to take that. It's a broken mirror piece. I thank god, at least I got this. I can use this to cut the rope.

I was about to cut the rope when I heard footsteps. I moved fast with my tied legs and lay on the ground. I hid the mirror piece on my back. I close my eyes tightly.

Someone came and turn me with his leg. I groan a little to know that I am awake now.

:"Wakey Wakey darling," said the first idiot.

I open my eyes to see 5 Men surrounding me. I sit straight and look at them. "Siv, don't show your fear," I told to myself.

He bends down and holds my jaw. I hissed in pain. I glare at him. He turns my face to left and right. I jerk from his hold.

Siv: Don't touch me bastard, I said.

:Oh, look at her. It's waste if we can't do anything to her" another jerk said

:We will talk to the boss. Once he has done with her, we will have her" they are talking like eating a meal. I am scared about what they said. Sam comes soon, please.

The first idiot trying to touch my lips. I bike is finger. I shout I told you don't touch me he slapped me hard. I fall on the ground because off the impact. My lips we are cut and blood oozed from them. He grips my hair and pulled me up.

I yelped in pain. I struggle to leave his grip.

:You bitch how dare you bite me" he shouted.

Siv: Who are you, people? Why did you kidnap me?" I ask them

: That our boss will tell you," he said and tries to touch me again. He licks his lips while touching my face with this right hand. I wiggled to get out of his hold.

I came near to my face to kiss him. I turned my face. I tighten the grip on my hair. Before he kiss me forcefully his boss came there.

: I told you to check on her not to kiss her" he roared

He left my hair to move away from me. I fell and brought my knees to my chest. The person who their boss came near me. He is probably in his 40s.

: Ah, we have a scared kitten here," he said and caresses my hair.

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