chapter 2

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At the Hashira base/Hashira meeting

All the Hashira except Giyuu and Shinobu were confused on what the meeting was about. They were all chatting until the twins came out "The master has arrived." The twins say at the same time. All the hashira went to their spots and bowed. "Hello my children thank you for coming here today." The master said. "Good to see you in good health master." The hashira said together. "You must be wondering why I called this meeting, it is because of what Shinobu and Giyuu found out on their last mission. Would you two tell the others what you found out?" The master said. "Yes master." Both Shinobu and Giyuu said at the same time. "We found two demons talking about a demon as old as Muzan called upper moon 0." Shinobu said. All the hashira except Shinobu and Giyuu gasped. "One of the demons even said that Muzan cares about this upper moon a lot." Giyuu finished shocking the other hashira even more.

"As you see I want all of you to do your best to find information on this upper moon 0. All demon slayers are being told by their crow to also look for information." The master said. "Yes master." All the hashira said. "You are all dismissed." The master said before leaving. All the hashira left and went to do their own thing.

Back in the infinite palace

Tanjiro was walking through the halls to the living room. Once he walked in he saw Daki and her brother sitting on the couch and Akaza and Douma fighting with Koku just watching them. He went up to the two fighting and put one hand on Alaza's shoulder and one hand on Doumas shoulder. The two demons stopped and looked at Tanjiro. "What's going on here?" Tanjiro asked. "I asked Douma to stop hugging me because I needed to get up but he didn't and tried to make me stay." Akaza said. Douma looked sad, "What's wrong with wanting to cuddle with my friend?" Douma asked a bit angry. Tanjiro crossed his arms "Douma I think his problem is that he wanted you to stop hugging him so he could go but you continued to even after being told so." Tanjiro said. Akaza nodded, "sorry Aka." Douma said sad. "It's ok. We can cuddle when I get back, ok?" Akaza said. Douma smiled and hugged Akaza. Both of them blushed making Tanjiro laugh inside. Douma let go of Akaza so Akaza could leave and do whatever it is he is doing.

"Sooooooo~ do you have a crush on Akaza?" Tanjiro asked making everyone in the room freeze and look at him and Douma. "Is it that odvious?" Douma asked. "Yes." Everyone else in the room said making Douma blush a lot. "Why don't you tell him?" Tanjiro asked. "Because I'm sure he doesn't like me back." Douma said. "WHY WOULD HE LET YOU CUDDLE HIM IF HE DIDN'T LIKE YOU?!" Daki yelled at Douma. "See he does like you back, and Akaza I know you are listening in please come out I saw you blushing when Douma hugged you." Tanjiro said shocking everyone. Akaza walked out from behind the door blushing like mad making Douma go red as well. Akaza walked over to Douma and dragged him out to the hallway. All four demons in the room quietly followed to eavesdrop on the two.

"Do you really like me back Aka?" Douma asked avoiding eye contact. Akaza went closer to Douma and gave him a quick pec on the lips "Yes." Akaza said grabbing Douma's hand. Koku had to hold Daki and cover her mouth to keep her from squeeling and giving the away. Douma and Akaza look each other in the eyes before sharing a passionate kiss. Akaza wrapped his arms around Douma's neck while Douma put his hands on Alaza's waist. Muzan walked up behind the four demons watching this "What's going on here?" Muzan asked making the two demons kissing notice the four demons that were watching them. "WERE YOU FOUR WATCHING US?!?!" Akaza yelled taking his hands off of Douma. "Hey honey." Tanjiro said walking over to Muzan. Tanjiro hugged Muzan and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Muzan put his arm around Tanjiro "I'm serious what is going on?" Muzan asked. "Tanjiro finally got Akaza and Douma together." Koku said letting go of Daki. "Really? They've liked each other for atleast one hundred years." Muzan asked Tanjiro who just nodded putting his face into Muzan's chest. "We also got to see that Akaza is a total bottom " Daki said making Akaza try to attack her, Douma holding his waist keeping him from attacking her, and everyone else laugh. Douma picked Akaza up bridal style then took him to his room to calm him down.

3 hours later in Tanjiro and Muzan's room

Tanjiro was on their bed reading a book while Muzan did paper work. "Hey babe." Tanjiro said. "Yes?" Muzan replied. " Do you ever think about have a baby together?" Tanjiro asked blushing a bit while Muzan started to blush a lot. Muzan walked over to Tanjiro and sat down pulling Tanjiro into his lap. "Yes I do, why?" Muzan asked. "I was thinking about trying to get pregnant." Tanjiro said looking down. "Well if you want to then I'm ok with trying but only if you are ok with it." Muzan said holding Tanjiro's face and looking into his eyes. Tanjiro smiled and gave Muzan a quick kiss "I'm sure. Can we try tomorrow?" Tanjiro asked. "Good with me." Muzan said. They both shared a long passionate kiss before cuddling.

Meanwhile in the surrounding forest with Akaza and Douma

The new couple where finishing eating a couple that was walking through the forest. The two got up and started walking back towards the infinite palace. Douma got a idea and grabbed Alaza's hand. "What is it?" Akaza asked. "You got some blood on your face. Let me take care of it." Douma said confusing Akaza. He began to like the blood off of the shorter males face making both of them blush. Once Douma finished licking the blood they started making out and holding each other. The kiss quickly went from passionate to hungry and full of lust. Akaza broke the kiss. "Aaawwwwww is something wrong?" Douma pouted. "Did you hear that?" Akaza asked looking around. "It was probably a animal or something." Douma said. "You're probably right." Akaza said "Now where were we?" Akaza asked making Douma smirk. They continued their make out session. Douma pushed Akaza into a tree and pinned his hands above his head with one hand and grabbed the shorter males ass with the other causing him to gasp allowing Douma to explore Alaza's mouth. Akaza moaned into the kiss alerting the two hashira walking near by. The two hashira Rengoku (yes Rengoku is alive) and Mitsuri came running and saw the two demons in their heated session. They got their swords out alerting the two demons who stopped their spicy make out session and got ready to fight. "Congratulations you demon slayers have gone from nuisances to cock block nuisances." Douma said.."Don't worry you two we aren't here to fight as long as you tell us about upper moon 0 and why they are so important to Muzan." Rengoku said. "If you must know upper moon 0 has never hurt a human. Instead he sleeps or eats humans that Muzan hunts and shares with him." Douma said smiling. Akaza stared daggers at him. "So he has never hurt a human?" Mitsuri asked. "Master just barely let him walk around the infinite palace without him. He has never had the chance and is way to kind." Akaza said. "Now if you don't mind we will be leaving now." Douma said picking Akaza up bridal style and leaving before either of the two hashira could say anything. Once the two got back the looked at each other. "Your room or my room?" Akaza asked. "My room, it's closer and I have some toys~" Douma said smirking putting Akaza down. "Well let's hurry." Akaza smirked back at Douma before they went to Douma's room. Let's just say No one slept and Akaza couldn't walk the next night.


To be continued...

A MuTan story (Muzan x Tanjiro)(Demon slayer)Where stories live. Discover now