Chapter 9

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The next morning in the butterfly mansion

The trio were each sitting in their beds while Aoi and Shinobu were standing in front of them. "Ok explain to me how you two lost your clothes but instead came back in a VERY short skirt and a bra." Aoi said, face palming herself. "Yes I would also like to know." Shinobu agreed. "Well you know how the master has a meeting with upper moon 0 in a few months." Nezuko said. "Mhmm." Shinobu and Aoi both said. "Well we were on a walk and met them. I recognized the mark on Tanjiro's eye and stopped everyone from attacking. I got to know Muzan and Tanjiro's adopted son, and he took a liking to me, so we were brought back with them and played dress up." Nezuko explained backing up a bit. Shinobu and Aoi were both shocked. "That actually might be a good thing." Shinobu said, shocking everyone. "B-but how?!" Aoi asked. "This relationship might be a boost we needed to hopefully stop this war. If their son does like you and you didn't hurt him then this might provoke Tanjiro to agree to peace." Shinobu explained. "Ok but that doesn't explain those two's clothing." Aoi said. "The dress up. We dressed up those two and another demon." Nezuko said. "Ha!" Aoi exclaimed. "IT'S NOT FUNNY! I THOUGHT THEY WERE GONNA KILL US!" Zenitsu screamed. "You fainted after I said it would be entertaining, fell onto Inosuke, and he went unconscious once he hit the ground." Nezuko said. Zenitsu looked down. "Oh Tanjiro also told me that he was a demon slayer for four months before becoming a demon. Apparently he didn't know Muzan was the demon king at the time. He also told me that he knows the first six breathing styles." Nezuko said. This shocked everyone "How did you even find that out?" Shinobu asked. "When Zenitsu was screaming at Inosuke he made a comment about the current generation of demon slayers being different from when he was one. So I asked what he meant, and he told me about how he used to be a demon slayer." Nezuko explained. "Zenitsu, what were you yelling about for something like that to be said?" Aoi asked. "Inosuke said my name correctly." Zenitsu said looking at Inosuke who surprisingly hasn't said anything. "That makes a bit of sense. Inosuke, you have been acting weird since yesterday." Aoi said, suspicious of Inosuke. "Muzan did make a comment that you two were acting like how someone named Akaza and someone else named Douma acted before they started dating, just without all the blood and violence." Nezuko said. The three girls looked at the two boys. Zenitsu was looking back confused while Inosuke had a please don't tell him look. "I'm not dealing with this." Aoi said. Aoi and Shinobu both left the medical room, leaving the three young slayers alone.

5 hours later in the infinite palace, Muzan and Tanjiro's room

Tanjiro woke up not feeling Muzan or Rui in bed. He sat up both worried and confused looking around the room. He noticed a note on the nightstand. He reached over, grabbing the note. 'Dear Tanjiro, sorry I couldn't stay till you woke up, there are some problematic demons I had to take care of. Rui is in the living room coloring. See you in a few hours, love Muzan.' Tanjiro read the note in his head. Tears began to fall as he began balling. He was upset that he wasn't gonna see Muzan for a few hours. Rui, Kokushibou, Daki, Kaigaku, Gyutaro, Akaza, and Douma all heard the screaming and ran to Tanjiro. They all came running through the door "TANJIRO, WHAT'S WRONG?!" Kokushibou yelled so he could be heard. "M-M-MUZAN WON'T B-BE H-HER-RE F-F-F-FOR H-H-H-HOU-URS!" Tanjiro sobbed. Everyone looked at one another not knowing what to do. Rui walked up to Tanjiro holding a piece of paper. "Papa." Rui said, tapping Tanjiro's leg to get his attention. Tanjiro looked down to Rui trying to smile and wipe away his tears that kept falling "Y-yes sweetie?" Tanjiro asked. "I made this for you." Rui said, handing Tanjiro the paper. "Aww thank you Rui, let's see what it is." Tanjiro said, taking the paper. He looked at it for a few seconds before sobbing louder. "WHAT'S WRONG?!" Douma yelled, everyone covering their ears. Tanjiro showed them the picture. The drawing was of a four person stick family with the name tags Dad, Papa, Me, and Little sibling. Above them were the words I love my family with everything in a pink heart. "Aawwwwwwwwwwww" everyone but Tanjiro and Rui said at the same time. Tanjiro picked Rui up, hugged him, and began sobbing into his shoulder. "Ok how do we get this to stop?" Akaza asked. (Tanjiro can't hear them over his sobbing) "Well we can tell we can't make him happy with this mood swing so let's try anger." Daki said. "Ok and how do we do that?" Kaigaku asked. "Remember what Rui overheard yesterday?" Kokushibou asked with a sly grin. Gyutaro, Kaigaku, and Daki looked at Akaza and Douma who became confused. "Hey Tanjiro." Kaigaku said, getting Tanjiro's attention. Tanjiro looked up at them still sobbing. "I remember Rui saying he heard something yesterday, what was that?" Kaigaku asked, acting like he didn't know. Tanjiro immediately stopped crying, he looked down as a deadly aura started surrounding him, he looked over to Akaza and Douma who were now terrified. Tanjiro looked at all the standing demons with murder in his eyes, he covered Rui's ears. "" Tanjiro said with venom and murder in each word. "We didn't tell him but Douma and I will go and soundproof our rooms so he doesn't hear us." Akaza said he pulled Douma out of the room to soundproof their rooms. Tanjiro continues to stare at the remaining four demons. Kokushibou was standing straight and scared to move while Daki was holding onto Gyutaro's left arm for life, Kaigaku was holding onto Gyutaro's chest, and Gyutaro had his right arm around Kaigaku's waist. About one minute later in intense silence Tanjiro bursted out laughing and took his hands off of Ruis ears allowing the young demon to move to sit next to Tanjiro. This confused them. "HAHAHA YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN YOUR FACES!" Tanjiro exclaimed, still laughing. "Don't worry I won't do anything. But Muzan will once he gets back and finds out how Rui found out." Tanjiro said calming himself down. "Now come one, let's go to the living room. I have some questions about last night." Tanjiro said standing up.

A few minutes later in the living room

Tanjiro was sitting in one armchair, Kokushibou was in another, Rui was on the floor near Tanjiro coloring, and the other three were on the couch. "First things first, why was Kaigaku wearing what he was wearing last night?" Tanjiro asked. Rui looked up to Tanjiro with a big smile. "Nezuko and I put him in it." Rui said going back to coloring. Tanjiro laughed a bit while Gyutaro started to blush again remembering what Kaigaku looked like. "And I looked good in it." Kaigaku said. Tanjiro and Daki laughed at the remark. Kokushibou was glaring daggers at Gyutaro "Don't wear it Infront of Gyutaro." Kokushibou said. "Why not? He's my boyfriend." Kaigaku said, pouting a bit. "That leads me to my second question, why was Gyutaro as red as a tomato last night?" Tanjiro asked. "Same reason he is like that, Kaigaku's outfit." Kokushibou said sternly. "That makes sense." Tanjiro said with a slight chuckle. "So what. My boyfriend is hot." Gyutaro asked, wrapping one of his arms around Kaigaku's waist, pulling him closer. "Ok and before this gets out of hand why was Daki dying of laughter?" Tanjiro asked, trying to avoid anything bad. "Oh that's because Rui said the two male demon slayers were sent home wearing some of my old work clothing." Daki said, laughing a bit. "I wonder how that ended for them." Kokushibou said to no one in particular. Everyone laughed.

3 hours later in the living room when Muzan got back

Akaza, Douma, and Nakime had come into the living room and joined the conversation a while ago. They were all deep in conversation when Muzan walked in. Everyone looked to see who walked in. Tanjiro jumped up and ran over to Muzan with a huge smile on his face. He ran into Muzan's chest and hugged him. Muzan hugged Tanjiro back. "Hey hey be careful. You could've hurt yourself." Muzan said smiling, raising Tanjiro's chin, looking into his eyes. Tanjiro pouted a bit, puffing out his cheeks. "I missed you, next time wake me up to say goodbye." Tanjiro said. Muzan picked Tanjiro up bridal style and took him over to the armchair, sitting down with Tanjiro in his lap. "Did I miss something?" Muzan asked, playing with Tanjiro's hair. "Once he woke up and read the note you left he bursted out into tears, upset that you wouldn't be here for hours. It was a wild mood swing." Kaigaku explained. Tanjiro wrapped his arms around Muzan's neck and cuddled into him. "Akaza and I soundproof out rooms after the mood swing went angry." Douma said holding Akaza. Muzan looked down at Tanjiro curiously and Tanjiro looked up at Muzan with cute innocent eyes. "GYUTARO HANDS OFF!" Kokushibou yelled, making everyone look at Gyutaro. Kaigaku was sitting on Gyutaro's lap and Gyutaro had one of his hands resting on the middle of Kaigaku's inner thigh. "I'm not doing anything." Gyutaro said not moving his hand. "There is nothing wrong with his hand, plus Douma is doing the same thing to Akaza but his hand is higher up, why don't you say anything about that?" Kaigaku said, annoyed. "Because they are adults and you're a teenager." Kokushibou said. "I'M 19!" Kaigaku said. "You can't drink, you're not an adult." Kokushibou said. Kaigaku just pouted and placed his hand on Gyutaro's, moving it noticeably higher up his thigh, making Gyutaro happy but Kokushibou angry. Kokushibou was about to tell "HEY HEY, let's not fight. Instead Master, have you and Tanjiro picked baby names yet?" Nakime asked stopping Kokushibou from yelling. "BABY NAMES." Daki and Douma said excitedly. Tanjiro and Muzan looked at each other than to everyone else. "Well if it's a boy the name will be Tamashi (credits to my friend for the name)." Tanjiro said. "And if it's a girl the name will be Akiko." Muzan said. "Awwwww those are so cute." Daki said. "Thanks Daki." Tanjiro responded.

I am still not feeling well but better. And yes I did get inspiration for the whole back and forth between Kokushibou and Kaigaku from Uppermoons groupchat... By Juniper_Tsuki, you should read it.

To be continued...

A MuTan story (Muzan x Tanjiro)(Demon slayer)Where stories live. Discover now