chapter ninety three:(part2)

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Sara p.o.v

He licked my lips, leading the top of  my body . He caressed my lips and continued kissing me

I gasped when I heard the sound of my underwear ripped. I pushed him away and looked at him in shock.

"What's wrong, babe?" He asked, confused by my action.

"Why on earth did you rip it? It was my favourite, " I whined as I looked at it.

"For real, sara?" He asked as he shook his head in disbelief.

"Yes look at it" I asked as I tried to grab it but he pulled me back to bed and I couldn't utter a word as he stared at me as though he was looking at my soul.

He held my hands on top of my head with one hand while on the other one hand he grabbed a cloth and tied my hands together.

He had a feather- like object, and he used it to trace it on my body and I felt ticklish, and it was fun.

Then he took off his pants and lowered himself. NO. I didn't look at him. instead, I looked at him. Instead, I looked at the ceiling, trying to distract myself.

I heard a laughter and I looked at him confused.

"Why are you suddenly looking at the ceiling? Shouldn't you be looking at me, your hubby ?" He asked as he smirked, which was totally dead gorgeous.

I looked at him, he smiled at me and I hesitantly looked down and my eyes widened. I couldn't believe what I was staring at.

I looked around again and then back at him.

"Looks like I will be in the worst pain," I panicked.

"No baby girl, it won't hurt it made perfectly for you  I swear,"


While we were looking at each other, he smiled softly and kissed my forehead. He pulled me towards him as my head laid on my chest.

I kissed his chest and laid my head, and l put my hand on his, and as I kept tracing the patterns.

"Are you feeling pain, sara?" he asked, the concerned voice and broke me out of trance.

"No, but a bit sore, I am feeling great. Don't ask me again. It's the twentieth time you've asked, " I said to him.

End of flashback

Suddenly, I felt like someone injected me with a needle, and everything went blank. The man I was sleeping next to suddenly disappeared before all this I heard a female voice.

"Sorry, sara, I have to do this for money," she said and injected me.

Then i heard another voice screaming and yelling loudly. I wanted to open my eyes, but i couldn't.

It was like someone blinded me, and my body felt like i was dying it was heavy and unable to move.

I could hear voices of doctors and nurses running around and doing defibrillators on me.

I heard a familiar voice screaming for my name as the process kept going until I finally felt myself again.

I slowly opened my eyes, and the first thing I saw was a female figure. She ran towards me and hugged me as she continuously cried on my shoulder.

"Oh sara, you made it," she smiled and looked back, and I saw a tall, handsome man  with Armani suit, and he smiled as he walked up to me.

The thing is, I couldn't remember who these people were, so I asked who they were and why i was in the hospital.

"Sorry to ask  but who are you people, and why am i in hospital?" I asked them, and they all looked confused.

"Sara   what's wrong with you? Don't you recognize us? It's me, Simran, your bestie and sister-in-law, " said the woman who sat beside me.

"Best friend and sister-in-law what are you talking about how am I your best friend I don't know who you are and how am I married when am suppose to be in school and where are my parents?" I asked as I felt uncomfortable with them.

"Calm down, sara, please, you're scaring me. How is this possible and not to forget you're also pregnant? You are going to be a mom soon," she said as she touched my stomach

I couldn't believe what I heard, I was so confused with this whole situation, the last thing I know is am a high school student and an introvert with no friends and all of a sudden I hear about  being married and a mom I wasn't ready for this.

My head ached, and I couldn't take it anymore, so I passed out, and then later, when I woke up, I saw a man across the room sitting on a couch staring down at his phone.

I opened my eyes widely when I recognized him. It was my dad, and next to him was a woman pouring him a glass of water.

"DAD!" I called him, and he looked up, and he stood up and walked towards me and so as the woman who looked a bit younger than him.

"Daddy, who is she? And where's mom? How come she's not here with you?" I asked

"Baby, how are you feeling now?" He asked as he caressed my cheeks.

"I don't know daddy, but am scared, I recently woke up and I fo...found out that am married and pregnant is that true but I don't remember anything about it " I said as i felt confused and nervous.

"Everything is going to be alright all in due time. Just get some sleep, my love ok" he assured me and kissed my forehead.

I closed my eyes and tried to think about what had happened earlier, and I couldn't remember anything about it, and the most shocking thing about it was that I was pregnant.

"AM Fucking  PREGNANT," I gasped.

"The question is what am I going to do with it?"I asked no one.

"How about we raise it together" said a man's voice.

I turned to the person who spoke and I saw a him standing at the door with bouquet of red flowers.

He walked in and I saw his figure clearly, he happen to be the same guy who was with Simran as the woman had introduced herself earlier so I didn't say a word as I didn't know how I was going to address him.

"I know that you don't remember us ever having a relationship, but I promise you that I will do whatever it takes to help you remember that me" as he put the flowers next to me.

"I  don't know  how long either no matter how hard I try, it's like my memories are all whipped out and all I see is no one other than my family," I said, feeling disappointed.

"Don't push yourself. What matters now is for you to be healthy so our baby stays healthy ok" he said as he hesitated to touch my stomach.

Even though I wasn't feeling that comfortable with him, I didn't want him to think like he had no right to be close to his unborn child.

So I took his hand and let him touch my stomach. I saw how happy he was when he felt the baby kick.

Suddenly, I felt dizzy and passed out, and I heard him calling for help.

I don't know how long I passed out, but when I woke up, I suddenly saw someone in front of me, I tried to more closely, but my vision was weak, and I passed out again.

"You will hate him with your heart, I promise," said a female voice........

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