chapter Fifty four: Don't die

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Tara p.o.v

Seeing  jane in my apartment was the unexpected. I was never planning on seeing her anymore.

After our fight I never thought of talking to her. After the graduation we went our separate ways. I never cared about her because of what she did.

I was both angry and sad for what happened today. I had a heated argument with my sister that caused me to say things that I didn't wanna say.

From her appearance she looked as if she was going through tough times. But my bigger concern was what will happen next. Now that both  zaid and Simran know the truth.

Jane  asked me if I will ever forgiven her. And to be honest I didn't have any grudges against her. All I want was things to be normal again.

After that janet   left and I went to my room as I was walking towards my room, I heard people talking, I thought that maybe Sean was holding his meeting in his office. As I got closer his office door was a bit open so I saw a guy sitting on a couch but his back was facing me so I couldn't see his face.

I didn't want to interrupt his work so I went to our room. I took off my shoes and lied on the bed.

I thought of what happened today while I was with Zaid  and how everything I hoped to be didn't work instead the unexpected happened.

I never thought that Sara's mom would die suddenly. We all knew that she had woken up from coma. It didn't even cross my mind that she would die.

I was so lost that I didn't even hear Sean sitting on the bed with me and he put his head in my shoulder.

I....i can't believe that jane   had the guts to come and talk to me, for once I thought that she was gonna come and make fun of me again." Not sure of what I was saying.

"What do you mean make fun of you ?"He asked confused.

"Am not sure myself, I thought that telling them the truth will finally free me from  feeling guilty  but I guess I was wrong." I said as I got up.

"What are you talking about Tara?"He asked as he stood next to me.

"Do you remember Sara's mom?" I asked.

"Yeah of course what about her?"He asked.

"Well after I told zaid   the truth,He wanted to go and see Sara." I said.

"And?" He asked.

"I.... We....found out that she died." I said while tears come out of my eyes.

"Oh!My God is she Ok?"He asked.

"I don't how she is to be honest, we found out from a neighbour, she also said that Sara left with her dad.

"So that means that you didn't find Sara?" He asked.

"Yes Sean, I seriously never thought something like this would happen. I feel like am partly blamed for what is going on now." I said worried.

"Come on Tara, You can't blame yourself for what something that somebody else did." He said as he hugs me.

"Sean am saying that if only I had told the truth earlier then maybe....maybe this wouldn't have happen." I said.

"Hey...hey listen to me, whatever happened has happened we can't undo it. Try to relax and trust me everything will be normal again " he said.

I couldn't believe that Sean was here with me despite knowing what I did he didn't get angry rat her he was supportive and now I feel so happy that he's with me.

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