Chapter 2 - Too Good To Lie

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I was currently seating on the bleachers, massaging my legs. Being at Mrs. Helldirm's class was a total torture. I wanted to complaint her way of dispensation her students to school officials but I can't. I need to consider the consequences of my actions first.

 If I file a complaint on her, she'll probably get a vengeance on me by providing me a fail grade. It happens to one of her students before so it's definitely out of the list. She's a license teacher and I knew what she was capable of. As for me, I was just a powerless students who has to stay under her guardianship until I graduate. That's why every one of her students won't attempted to file a complaint about her.

Be strong Alyna! You'll gonna leave this hell place after a few months. Be strong. Being a senior proves that you'll pass those torture you've been through. Soon enough the graduation you've been waiting for was about to happen. You can do it!

I inhaled the oxygen and gradually release it as I try to encourage myself. I already passed three years and five months of being in hell. All I need to do is to wait with a long temper of patience.

I wish Jeff was here to save me with his awesome knife and super strength. I sigh dreamily.

"Hey Beech!" I snap my head into the source of voice. Then I saw Tyler, jogging towards me. Tyler was one of my friend. He's a cute guy actually. Though I was just wondering why he chose to be on a group of freak; a group to where I belong. I mean, He can be awesome and famous if he choose the other path. But I'm quite glad for having him in the group. His attractiveness was countable as an addition. Double win.

 His face was forming a frown but not in an angry manner. More of concern actually. When he finally reach me, he seat beside me and utter "You ok? What happen?" He surely saw how I look as I seat here alone.

 "I'm fine" I flashed a reassuring smile. But the truth is, I'm not fine. I just can't admit it to him since I know he's going to act like a possessive body guard if I do. It's not that I don't like it. It's just that, he already did a lot for me. I don't want to be a burden to him.

His gaze are trying to figure out if I'm lying. He was about to utter a word and I knew he was planning to know the truth. So I immediately said "By the way, you knew how much I hate it when you call me by my surname"

 His face went blank for a moment -probably processing what I'm talking about- before he laugh in realization. "It's not my fault if your surname was 'Beech'," he said with a hint of mockery on his tone.

 I scoffed. "You know that my surname sounds like the word 'Bitch'," Sometimes when my friends was calling me by my last name, people who heard it stared at me with a discriminative look plastered on their face. They probably mistook me as a total Bitch. Oh god.

 "Sorry, ok?" He said as he chuckled.

"Alyna and Tyler" We snapped our head towards the open field. Then we saw Mr. Somerholdem - Our PE instructor- standing from across. His arms are crossed over his chest. "The one hundred meter run was more important than you're flirting session. So get your ass off of that bleachers before I gave you an F minus for today's performance."

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