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I was in the middle of the hunt when a pretty girl caught my attention. She has a long blond hair that stops above her waist. By judging her structure, she was the same age as me.

She was wearing a white dress that ends above her knee and four inches pink high heels that somehow made her pace slows down as she walk at the empty dark street alone. Her gaze was only glued on the floor as her baby bangs perfectly covers her face. Her boney arms was wrapped around her tiny body, hugging herself to prevent the freezing cold air that threatens to hit her exposed skin.

My eyebrow furrows together as I was watching her every move. Also, to recognize her. I can sense that she's pretty. Her soft looking smooth skin and the perfect curve of her body was the evidence of it. She's pretty, but there's something she lack of. What is it? Oh. I remember. She's not beautiful without a big smile on her face; A smile that I have. I definitely help her to be beautiful as me. She need a little bit of makeover.

'Maybe this one would be fun' I thought to myself.

I smiled deviously as I silently trailed behind her. On my way toward her, I accidentally step on a dried leaves, creating a crunching sound in result. Goddammit. She stopped her track but didn't move a bit. I hold the knife on my pocket and prepared myself to attack her, but I got surprise when she continue her pace without checking the source of the sound.

She seriously was a stupid little girl who didn't even notice that someone was after her. Well it was fun though. I can't believe I'm going to kill a numb girl. I laugh at the thought. Maybe I'm going to make her 'Go To Sleep' that easy. Wait. Maybe I can play with her a little longer. Cause that would be a fucking fun.

She suddenly stopped. Her gaze wondered around the place. I think she notice that she was on the lake at the park that's why she stopped. She turn her tiny body to face the water. She inhaled the cold air before gradually release it. Her shoulder went along her act.

"Poor little girl~" I cooed. She snap her head on my direction out of surprise. After she saw me, her eyes went wide open as stare at me in utter horror.

What? Is this the first time she saw a beautiful creature like me? Poor human.

I flashed a wide happy smile as I lock my gaze onto her. I notice that her eyes are puffy as if she just cried a seconds ago. I felt her tiny helpless body tense up while staring at me. I can sense a fear on her blue orbs. It made my blood awaken. Adrenaline rush upon my bloodstream. Damn. I really want to play with her. I pulled out my knife from my hoodie pocket and swung it playfully in the air as I laugh happily.

"Wh-Who are you?" She asked, stammering.

Her voice was shaky as she attempting to back off. But due to her current situation, she just startled in result. She was glued there on her spot, not bothering to call for help. Nah, too bad she's going to die before those cops come to rescue her. She gulp hard and tightened the grip on her dress. Her hands are shaking uncontrollably as her legs are now stiff. I laugh hysterically at her pathetic reaction. I enjoyed it. VERY MUCH.

I took a step forward but didn't broke the eye contact with her. My grin grew wider as I watch her. I like that girl. She didn't even run nor scream when she saw me. I want to watch her scream in agony and pain when I stab her to death. Killing someone made my adrenaline rise. The feeling was fantastic. I want to carve her pretty face a wide smile so that she can be beautiful as me.

I run towards her and instantly tackled her on the ground. She was jerking, shouting "Get off me you monster!" to me. I felt my eyes twitch by hearing her words.

Am I heard it right? She called me a MONSTER? A fucking useless monster? My beautiful smile instantly faded at her nonsense words.

Im. Not. A. Monster.

I tightened the grip on my knife and stab her shoulder. She gasp instead of screaming in pain.

Dammit. Scream you fucking useless human!

She put her hands on my hoodie and started to squeeze it, releasing the pain she felt. I was disappointed to her reaction. It was far different from my expectation. She stop jerking and look deeply into my eyes. She was looking at me as if she was on her deep thought, contemplating on something.

"Am I gonna die?" She suddenly asked, making my smile back.

"Yes. I'm gonna make you....." I thrilled. But instead of uttering a word, the next thing happened made me felt 'surprise' for the first time of my life. She grab my hoodie and push me towards her, making me fall on top of her. She put a hand on the back of my neck and pulled me towards her. Without warn, she press her lips against mine.

My eyes widen like a saucer. The fuck was she doing? She started to move her lips and caressing my hair, making me froze and startles a little. I can feel the warmth of her lips on mine; her slowly but gently kissed. It was warm. Something that expressed longing and passion. The next thing I knew, I was kissing her back.

We've been kissing for god knows how long until we broke away before we lose our breath. We still catching a breath when our eyes met. I can feel her warm breathings on my skin.

'No jeff! Dont fall for her trap!'

'But she's... nice?'

'No! She was fooling you! If you let her go, she will run to the cops and report everything'


'No 'buts' jeff! Come on, killed her! Just make her GO TO SLEEP. That was your mission jeff. Don't forget that'

'But she kissed me.'

'She was just fooling you! Remember, humans are traitor. She will deceive you! Just like your family did. Don't trust her!'

Remembering what my so called 'Family' did to me made me realize how evil the humans are. They are nothing but a trash that I need to extinguish.

"What's your name?" She asked, eyes lock onto mine.

"Jeff.... Jeff the killer" And with that, I stab her straight to where her heart was located. I saw her eyes widen as she gasp in surprise when the cold piece of metal slice her flesh.

The next thing she did surprised me again. She put a hand on my cheeks and smile at me. A smile that sends goose bumps deep within my veins. A warm welcoming smile without imprecation as she whispered "Thank you" to me.

I can't believe it. She... she thank me?

That was the last thing she said before losing her last breath...

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