Part 16: Heart to Heart

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(Y/n, Five, and Vanya arrive at Luther's apartment)

Five: So how are we going to do this?

Y/n: Let me talk to him first. 

(Y/n walked up to Luther's apartment to talk to him. She knocks on the door)

Luther: (screams from inside) GO AWAY!

Y/n: Luther, I just came to check on you. Are you alright?

(She hears fast stomping from inside and the door swings open revealing a beaten up Luther who lets he in and closes the door)

Y/n: You know you started out strong. I recognized the technique.

Luther: You should it was your's first. (he sits on his bed and Y/n sits on the chair) Smart technique.

Y/n: It is. Hard to beat, especially when you use it. So what happened?

Luther: I got my head lost.

Y/n: Why? What happened?

Luther: Allison's married.

Y/n: Married?

Luther: Yeah

Y/n: Luther, I'm sorry, I know you loved her.

Luther: ... If your here to try and get me to join your apocalypse crusade, I'm not. 

Y/n: I had a feeling, Once you decide something, your very stubborn.  Just like you used to be.

Luther: How did you deal with it Y/n? Being alone in the apocalypse? thinking you were the only one left?

Y/n: Well... When I originally got stuck, I had Five with me. I guess also knowing for a fact that you guys were gone gave me some closer. You didn't have that. When I dropped in the 1960's I found Diego pretty quick so I knew I wasn't alone ut I also knew how time travel worked. I knew that they couldn't have just disappeared into oblivion.  I knew they had to be somewhere. 

Luther: It was good to see you again Y/n. I missed you, But I want to be alone now. 

Y/n: Okay. I hope to see you again Luther. (she smiles at him and walks back to Five and Vanya) 

Five: Any Luck?

(She shakes her head)

Vanya: What if I try?

Y/n: I mean good Luck, but I don't think it's going to do any good.

(Vanya walks in to talk to Luther until about 5 minutes later they see Luther punch through a wall)

 Five: Well, that clearly went well.

(Vanya comes back down looking angry)

Y/n: Oh, god he told her. (she says nodding towards Vanya as she gets closer) 

Five: You ready to go? (Vanya continues to walk to he car)

Vanya: I'm going back to the farm.

Five: Hey. Unacceptable, Vanya.Remember, we need to stick together.

Vanya: Oh, why, so I don't end the world again?

Y/n: (whispers) Damn it. 

Vanya: Were you even gonna tell me?

Five: You know what? In our defense, no. All right?

Y/n: And can you blame us? When you... you get angry, shit blows up. Trust me I get it, it happens to me too. 

Vanya: Great. Are there any other family secrets you failed to mention?

Y/n: You have no idea.

Five: A boatload, Vanya, which I don't have the luxury of sharing them with the...

(Vanya gets in the car and slams the door in Five's face so he knocks on the window so she rolls it down)

Five: The clock is ticking on doomsday. Just tell me that when we need you, you'll be ready.

Vanya: I can't help you, guys. I don't even know who I am.

Y/n: You're our sister. No matter what. 

(Vanya starts the engine) 

Five: And a member of the Umbrella Academy. Like it or not, that's who you are.

Y/n: It's who we all are. 

Vanya: Look, that's who I was, okay? New timeline, new me.

Five: No, that's not how it work...

(Vanya drives off and they look up to Luther who is holding up his middle finger and glaring at Five)

Five: Wonder if it's too late to be un-adopted.

Y/n: Sadly, I think it is.

(They both walk away.) 

The Frost and The Flame (Book 2 of The Fire Within) (Five Hargreaves x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now