Chapter Four~ Jungle

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Jason hung out with my brothers for a little while after breakfast and that was fine; I felt like going on a run.

"Hey guys I'm going for a run, I'll be back in an hour or two." I say walking into the living room where the boys were playing video games.

"P you okay?" Jason asked concern all over his face.

"Yeah I'm good I just wanna run." It was the truth.

"Okay, but if your not back in an hour I'm coming to find you. Then all bets are off." Jason stated warning swimming in his eyes, it sent a shiver of pleasure down my spine. I nod not having anything to say in return.

I ran to the local park and on one of the loops around the pack I saw Luke on a bench pressed against it with his tongue down none other than Taylor's throat. My chest tightened as I felt tears well up in my eyes. My heart dropped into my shoes and shattered all over the ground.

"Shit! Peyton, I'm so sorry." Luke said pushing Taylor away.

"Were you screwing him the year and a half you knew?" I ask swallowing my emotions down. Luke looked down at the ground for a minute.

"Not for all of it, but about six months ago things started between us..." he trails off and I laugh bitterly.

"Well I hope y'all have a fucking fantastic life together." I spit venomously before I take off running again. By the time I get home it had only been forty-five minutes. I made it in the door before collapsing onto the floor. Our house didn't have an entryway when you walked in you were immediately in the living room. Jason was the first to jump up, he was at my side in seconds asking if I was ok. After blinking a few time I just look up into his eyes and something breaks inside of me. I flung myself into his arms and start sobbing, uncontrollable and pain filled.

My brothers seem startled and didn't know what to do. Jason holds me against his chest while I cry. After what feels like hours I finally stop and am just sniffling, there's a huge wet spot on Jason shirt.

"I'm sorry for crying all over your shirt." I whisper because my throat is sore.

"It's okay beautiful." He says with a soft smile.

"I'm tired." I say yawning. Jason nods and wraps his arms around me before standing. I feel empty. I rest my head against his chest as he carries me to my room.

"I'll be right back beautiful, you just get comfortable." He says pressing a soft kiss to my forehead. I nod and pull my stupid leggings off and the shirt I had been wearing before throwing them on the floor. I pick up Jason's hoodie and pull it over my head; I collapse against the pillows with a sigh.

(A/N: I don't usually switch POV's mid chapter but it's necessary for this one.)


I close the door behind me and walk downstairs where Jax, Andrew, and Chase all sit still as statues. None of them have ever seen Peyton like that and I'm sure it scared the shit out of them.

"She's resting now, but I'm not leaving her tonight." I state looking at them. Jax nods still shell shocked.

"I'm gonna grabs some water and then go back up there, text me if you need anything. I don't want her to wake up if she's sleeping."

"Thank you for being there for her. Please find out what happened today." Chase says patting my shoulder.

"Also I know you guys are involved." Chase says once we're alone in the kitchen.

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