Chapter Eight~ Closure

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Chase made good on his word about kidnapping Jason back. I didn't mind mom wanted to catch up anyway. Today was perfect, the surprise meant more to me than he realized but I loved it. My phone rang from my bed, I groan and move from my window to open it.

"Hello." I say not checking the ID.

"Hey it's me." Luke's voice came through the speaker. I tense and take a deep breath. I'm okay.

"What's up?" I ask trying to keep my cool.

"I drove past your house and saw you and Jason dancing in the rain." He said. I hold my breath for a minute.

"You guys looked really happy together. Happier than you were with me at the end." Luke sounded a little sad but he had no reason to.

"He's been helping me a lot lately." I whisper.

"I wanted you to know I did really love you, and I never wanted to hurt you Peyton." Luke says and I could hear the truth in his words.

"I know Luke, I'll be ok your brother has been amazing at keeping me grounded." I hear him chuckle.

"You've always loved Jason." I furrow my brows at the statement.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Do you remember the fake wedding when we were kids? You married Jason not me." Luke laughs lightly. A shocking realization that Luke was right made my head spin.

"Yeah I remember." I smile remembering how I roped my brothers into it.

"Thank you Luke." I say, it's quiet for a moment.

"For what?" He asks.

"For giving me closure." He's quiet again and I check to see if he hung up.

"Of course Peyton, I hope one day we can be friends again."

"You'll always be my best friend, just give me time. Anyway I gotta go mom is home and wants to catch up." Luke laughs.

"Tell her I said hi, I'll see you at school?" He says before hanging up. I take a couple of deep breaths to steady my emotions. Every time I talked to him I'd always end up feeling emotionally raw afterwards. The wound still open but scabbing over. Soon enough it'd become a faint scar.

"Hey honey." Mom said poking her head in my room. I smile and motion for her to come in.

"So tell me about Jason." She says sitting down on the bed with me. Mom had a way of getting you to talk even if you didn't want to. I couldn't help but smile and blush I didn't even know where to start.

"He's everything I've ever wanted in a guy mom. And that scares me just a little." I admit mom nods. I see a look cross her face and I know what her next question is going to be.

"Are you being safe?" She asks.

"Yes mom, I'm on birth control and we use protection." I say rolling my eyes a little. I watched a mischievous look cross her face I was hoping to avoid that talk but it seems the odds weren't in my favor today.

"So give me the details, I gotta live vicariously through you. Spill." Mom says.

"It's different then with Luke." I say not wanting to give my mom too many details on my sex life.

"A good different?" She asks quirking a brow.

"A very good different." I sigh thinking about everything Jason and I had done. I blush remembering that mom was sitting right next to me.

"That's all I'm telling you, sorry mom but I'm not telling you the gory details of my sex life." I say watching her smile.

"Alright honey that's fine, I'll leave you to read while it's still raining." Mom says patting my knee. I didn't need to say much but mom still understood what I meant. It was a little after nine when Jason slipped into my room. I was still curled up next to my window with a book in hand.

"Hey beautiful." He greets pressing a kiss to the top of my head. I grunt in response and he chuckles.

"I'm going to use your shower okay?" He asks and I snap my eyes to him. Jason was smirking knowing I'd have this reaction.

"Do you want to join? Or read more of your book?" Jason taunts lightly. I set my book aside a gently as I can while thinking about Jason in the shower. I bite my bottom lip lightly watching his eyes darken in lust. Jason stalks over to me pulling my body flush against his.

"Beautiful it's not nice to tease." He stated hiking my leg up and then the other so I was in his arms.

"It's a taste of your own medicine." I whispered trailing kisses from below his ear to down his neck. Jason groaned softly before putting my back against the wall. I rake my hands through his hair loving the feeling of his lips against my skin. Jason pressed his body closer and I fight the urge to moan.

"We need to lock the door." I whispered pressing my lips against his.

"Mhm." He half hums and moans at the same time. Jason pulls me away from the wall and walks towards the door. My back collided with the door, he kisses down my neck and locked the door. I moan softly when he bites down gently.

"Shower." I remind him breathless. Jason keeps me against the door but pulls my hoodie over my head. Jason looks into my eyes and I can see the lust and desire swimming in them. I bite my lip aching with need.

"What do you need Beautiful?" Jason asks his voice rough.

"You." I nearly moan and he isn't even doing anything yet. Fuck he really knows how to get me going.

"What do you need Beautiful?" He asks again pulling us away from the door.

"I want you to fuck me." I state as he moves us into the bathroom. Jason sets me on the counter and goes to start the shower. It doesn't take long for him to come back over and start kissing me. Jason's hands unhook my bra and he tosses it on the ground. I moan against his lips and tug on the hem of his shirt. 

Without much thought he pulls away and yanks the shirt off. It joins my bra on the floor and soon my leggings and panties find their way to the floor as well. Jason picks me up after his clothes are gone, I kiss him with urgency. The warm water contrasts with the cold shower tiles, I moan softly against his lips. Jason's hands find my ass and he tightens his grip pulling himself closer; I moan feeling his dick rub against my heat.

"Please!" I groan impatiently, my legs locked around his middle. Jason's hand moves to position himself at my entrance. Pain and pleasure mix beautifully and I moan. Jason held still letting me adjust since we didn't bother with foreplay. His hand found my breast; I moan but it's more of a whine. As I pull Jason's lips to mine he starts trusting slowly.

"Fuck..." He groans lowly. I bite my lip in attempts to silence the sounds trying to escape. It didn't take long for the both of us to come undone. After we finished our workout we actually showered.

"We were louder than I meant us to be." He laughs, I smile and we settle down on my bed.

"I'm exhausted." I groan and cuddle into his side.

"I'm beat too." Jason laughs pulling me closer. We lay in silence for awhile; I sigh remembering my conversation with Luke.

"I talked to Luke today." Jason tenses for a minute waiting for me to break down.

"I got closure." I state softly. Jason just pulls me on top of him and hugs me tighter.

"Are you okay?" He asks looking into my eyes.

"Oddly enough yes, I feel a lot better having some closure." I sigh. My eyes close without my permission and I fall asleep. I dreamt of Jason and I in the future. Dating and happier than ever, he'd decided on opening a auto shop and I went to collage close by. I don't remember how the dream ended but when I woke up; Jason was still fast asleep and smiling like goofball.

My heart swelled and I couldn't resist the smile that formed on my lips. One day when I was ready for a proper relationship I'll be with Jason.

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