Chapter Six~ No One Knows

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After Jason had left I went back to my breakfast. Chase shot me a look but smiled. After breakfast I went up to my room, Chase followed behind shortly after.

"Hey can we have that talk now?" Chase asks standing in my doorway. I look up from my book and nod.

"Thank you for not saying anything about Jason and I." I say after he closes the door behind him.

"What are brothers for, plus y'all are kind of obvious. Your just lucky Jax and Andrew are dumb." Chase said with a laugh.

"Anyway, if your going to be with Jason be careful. I can see that he cares a lot about you but sometimes he's an idiot." Chase said setting a hand on my knee.

"Also no babies." My face heats up at that.

"Oh my god! Chase!" I groan hiding my face in my hands.

"And I don't wanna hear y'all going at it again, the idea that my baby sister is doing sexual things with my best friend is gross." He shuddered and my face turned a new shade of red.

"Oh god!" I groan pushing him off my bed. The conversation didn't continue because my phone started ringing. The hollow empty feeling returned when I saw who was calling. Luke...

"Hello." I say answering the call.

"Are you screwing my brother?" He asked sounding angry.

"It's not any of your business if I am, you lost that right Luke." I spit anger shooting through my veins.

"Yeah well tell your boy toy not to go blabbing my business to everyone." Luke shot back.

"What?" I ask the anger subsided momentarily.

"He told mom, I don't think he meant it to happen. I deserve it and luckily mom was more mad on your behalf than anything." Luke sighed and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not mad that your gay either I'm mad that I was strung along and played." Pain shot through me and I had to close my eyes to control myself. No crying, not right now.

"I know, I'm sorry P." My heart thudded painfully again.

"I gotta go." I choke out hanging up. Chase looked at me for a moment trying to figure out if I was going to cry again.

"I'm okay." I say taking some deep breaths.

"Jason outed Luke to their mom, he was upset and rightfully so." Chase grimaced.

"Knowing Jason he's feeling really guilty." I say still feeling raw from the conversation.

"Do you want me to stay or go?" Chase asked looking into my eyes.

"I think I need a minute." I say trying to get ahold of my emotions. Chase pats my shoulder and leaves. After the door closes the dam breaks and tears fall. I manage to open my phone and pull up Jason's contact before calling him.

"Hey beautiful." He greeted.

"Jason." I managed to get out but my voice cracked.

"What's wrong beautiful?" I could hear the concern. I choke out a sob and but can't speak.

"I'm on my way sit tight, I'll be there in five minutes." He says while I try to catch my breath. Jason doesn't hang up, there's voices but I can't make out what they are saying. I'm gasping for air trying my hardest to get my lungs some air.

"P, I need you to listen to my voice okay? Nothing else just my voice." I give a weak whimper as a response as I close my eyes. Jason is talking to me trying to calm me down. My heart slows down enough for me to breathe more. My eyes are still closed when the call ends and my door opens.

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