Chapter Five~ Breakeven

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I don't know how long we were asleep for but when I woke up my phone was going off.

"Hello?" I ask still half asleep.

"Jason where are you? Mom said you haven't stayed at home in a few days." Luke's voice rang through and all the anger I let out yesterday came racing back.

"I'm cleaning up the mess you made asshole!" I stated before hanging up. The nerve he had I swear. I'm gonna punch him in the face next time I see him. Peyton stirred in her sleep before rolling over to face me.

"Morning Jay." She whispered.

"Jay?" I questioned with an eyebrow raised. Peyton just smiled a dopey grin and nods.

"Okay beautiful." I say nuzzling her cheek. She giggles and tries to roll away but I pull her flush against me.

"Good morning beautiful." I whisper nipping at her neck.

"God your morning voice it hot as hell." She mumbles; I groans as I nip at her neck again.

"If you want to mark me it has to be below the collar of my shirt." Peyton whispered tilting her head back to give me better access.

"Hmm, seems like you want me to mark you here." I tease playfully before gently biting the spot.

There was a knock on the door and we both pretended to be asleep.

"See I told you they wouldn't be awake yet, I heard them talking till late last night." Chase whispered.

"If they aren't up in a few hours we'll wake them so they can eat." Jax said softly before closing the door. My mind flooded back to last night when Chase told me he knew.

"Chase covered for us being loud last night." I whisper against her hair.

"What do you mean?" She asked eyeing me.

"He kind of cornered me in the kitchen last night and told me he knew we were involved. He also said he didn't plan on telling anyone and that he knew I wouldn't hurt you." I answer nuzzling her cheek.

"Okay, well now I don't feel so bad about keeping it from him." Peyton says snuggling closer. We both passed out again. A few hours later there were hushed voices in the room.

"Should we wake them?" Andrew asked softly.

"I don't know, Chase said they were up late talking." Jax answered. Peyton started stirring in her sleep.

"Come on beautiful, it's time to get up." I whispered poking her face. She grumbled trying to roll away. My arms were secure around her waist that way she wouldn't roll off the bed.

"Let me sleep I'm tired." Peyton groaned shoving her face against my chest. I chuckle, first she tried to roll away now she's got her face against my chest.

"Beautiful you gotta eat. Come on." I state poking her cheek again.

"No..." she mumbles already nodding off.

"She's not getting up, what time is it?" I ask looking at two very amused brothers.

"Noon." Andrew said chuckling at his sister.

"I'll get her up give me like twenty minutes." They both nod and walk out.

"Beautiful you gotta wake up, or no sex." I whispered kissing her neck.

"I'm awake!" She nearly shouted her eyes shooting open.

"Yeah I thought so." I smirk before kissing her deeply.

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