Chapter Nine~ Only Love

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The last couple weeks before school started I spent it with Jason, mom, and my brothers. Time well spent I had lots of fun, and the sting of my breakup lessened more and more each day. Smiling has become a lot easier, especially when Jason's around. It's like I can't keep the smile off my face.

School officially starts today and I had no clue what to wear.

"Good morning Beautiful." Jason says from the doorway. I glance over at him then back at my options.

"Morning." I say before finally deciding on what to wear. Something simple, black ripped skinny jeans and a purple crop top. Jason stepped into my room and closed the door so I could change.

"Are you nervous?" He asked.

"Just a bit, I'm not sure who to hang out with." I answer honestly, I hadn't talked to my "friends" since before Luke and I broke up. I doubted they even knew we broke up, not that they cared anyway.

"You can stick with me, if you want." I turn to look at him. I was surprised he offered; it was a little out of character even for him. I didn't hang around my brothers while I was at school, they did their thing and I did mine.

"Unless your worried about the rumors that would fly." Jason said sarcastically.

"I don't give a damn about rumors and you know it." I drawl glancing at him. Jason held his hands up in surrender and laughed. With an eye roll I glanced down at my attire. A hoodie would be good incase I got cold. Jason's blue one caught my attention from the bed.

"You ready?" He asks patiently giving me a once over, as if checking for any tell-tale sign of my nerves.

"No but let's go." I sigh picking up my bag from the floor.  Jason was quiet as he sat in the kitchen eating breakfast with my family. It felt strange knowing I'd be by his side. There would definitely be rumors, word hadn't gotten around yet about the breakup. I can only imagine how it would go, I groan and drop my head against the counter.

"You okay P?" Jason asked in a low whisper.

"Yeah." I whispered back picking my head up with a deep sigh. Everyone was watching us; I look Jason in the eyes and give him a soft smile in reassurance. There was a soft warm look in them that made me look away. That inviting warmth scared me, I wanted it but it was scary. Someone cleared their throat and I glance at Jax.

"There's something going on there." He says motioning between Jason and I. Both of us chose to say nothing rather then denying it. I glance at Chase who sighs and shrugged.

"Even if there is..."Mom says softly.

"It's none of your business and you will not interfere in anyway." She says giving him an I mean it look. Jax nodded but kept eyeing Jason and I. I'm surprised it took him this long to notice.

"We have to go or we'll be late for school." Chase muttered not liking the tension. I kissed mom bye and followed the guys out. The car ride was silent aside from the radio. Chase and Andrew muttered a goodbye before leaving Jason and I at his car.

"Well it was only a matter of time before they found out." Jason sighs as we walk into school together.

"Your not wrong but it doesn't feel great, that I couldn't tell them myself." He nods following me to my locker. Jason set a hand on my waist making me look at him. There was a mischievous smirk on his face, I couldn't help but smile at that. Butterflies swirled in my stomach, this feeling was familiar. The last time I felt like this was with Luke.

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