Chapter Seven

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Hinata woke up in a hospital. His head was aching like the morning of the crash, his elbow, it was in a sprain. He sat up quickly- he shouldn't have done that. His head hurt so bad, and he groaned loudly, holding it with both of his hands, his sprained elbow hurting worse, and he gasped and yelled at that. "Oh! Doctor! He's awake!" Akiteru yelled. The doctor yelled back "Okay'' as Akiteru slowly made his way to Hinata's bed. "Hey kid, how'd you know my family name?" Akiteru asked.

 "I.. Don't know what you're talking about.." Hinata replied in pain, his headache hurt him more than his situation. "You.. looked like.. Tsukishima.." Hinata sorrowfully said, laying back down, now upset because his head hurt so bad. "Oh! Kei?! You mean Kei?!?" Akiteru yelled. In reality, Kei was Tsukishima's first name, but Hinata didn't know it, they weren't in the same classes. Hinata looked at him, "Who's Kei..?", "Oh! He's my little brother! He'll be back from school in 10 minutes!! Mom told him to come check on you!" Akiteru was yelling at this point, his screams echoing in Hinata's ears.

"Oh.. Is that his name..? C-Cool-" Hinata stuttered, before going limp in front of Akiteru. The last thing he heard was Akiteru yelling for the doctor. "Are my ears bleeding..?" Hinata thought, his head rocking back and forth as he groaned, whined even. His headache was a physical problem and the doctors had to get him checked for a concussion. He had one. Now, the Tsukishima family was paying the hospital bills, and Hinata was getting checked up on by his teammates.

Hinata then woke up, looked around him, to see a bunch of his teammates, even some classmates, someone was blocking his light. He looked up, it was his little sister Natsu, "Sho, Sho, Sho! Why'd you get hurt! I told you to be careful!!! Why didn't you listen!?!!" She scolded him. "I'm sorry Natsu, I should've been more careful.." He whined and covered his eyes, she then uncovered his eyes with her hands. "No Sho I'm sorry! Don't cry! Please don't cry Sho! If you cry, I'll cry!" She yelled in his face, he hugged her tightly and all of his teammates awed at the wholesome sight. They were happy for him and thought that his sister was so cute and such an angel. In reality she was just sad that he was hurt but once he's fine, she'll most likely blow him off.

"I wove you Sho!" She yelled and he yelled back, "I love you too Natsu!" He was giggling a little bit as he said it, then Kageyama looked at them, "Is the cuddle fest over yet?" Natsu blushed in embarrassment, "Oh shut up Tobio! You whine about not being able to cuddle him all the time!" Hinata chuckled at his sister's defense and Kageyama started defending too, "No I don't! I don't whine at all! I don't try to cuddle him either!" He yelled, "Sounds like a buncha' bullcrap to meeeee!!" She yelled at him, this got quite a laugh out of Hinata and the others, Hinata was happy at the scene that was now lightening the mood.

The doctors gave him a final check up and told his family that he'd be okay soon, but he just has to stay in the hospital for a while longer. Everyone was quite okay with that.

"Now apologize you fricken idiot!"

Hinata heard, and then looked up, it was Akiteru's mom! Holding his head down, making him bow, Hinata chuckled at that. He thought it was quite funny that his mother was doing that. "Hey don't lau-" Akiteru started yelling, he was quickly interrupted by his mother, "Oh shut up and apologize boy!" Tsukishima(Kei) was laughing at them at this point. "It's okay ma'am, he doesn't have to apologize to me, it was a simple accident."

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That Morning

"Oh. My. God. Akiteru just fucking blew someone off their bike. Today's been bad already, why the hell is he making it worse?!" Tsukishima thought to himself and groaned aloud. "AKITERU TSUKISHIMA!" The boys' mom yelled at Akiteru, the older one, who was driving. "GO CHECK ON THE BOY!" She. Kept. Yelling. "God could this day get any worse!?" Tsukishima got up, luckily it was only a thought, and he didn't say it out loud.

Akiteru and mom were already looking at the boy that he almost hit, Tsukishima slowly traveled to where they were, looking down at the human. "Holy. Shit. As if today couldn't get any worse." Tsukishima thought, looking down at the orange pineapple looking boy. "Kei, that's one of your classmates, right?" Kei's mother asked him quietly. Tsukishima nodded and next think ya' know, they were at the hospital. "Mom, can you just drive me to school please?" Kei asked his mother, "OH MY GOD. ONE OF YOUR CLASSMATES JUST GOT A CONCUSSION AND YOU DON'T EVEN CARE?!" She yelled back. "Mom, it's not that I don't care about his physical state, but I also care about my education. And you should too." Kei told his mother, then she took him to school.

At School

Oh my god, left and right, left and right. So many questions, "I heard you were at the accident", "Oh my god what happened to Hinata?", like just step off already. I'm already busy enough in the time being, I've got tests to study for y'know. You do too, just leave me alone." Tsukishima held the complaints and conversation with himself, completely annoyed at why people won't just leave him alone already. He showed up to lunch, his free period of the day, he ate some bento that he packed the night before. He really wanted today to be the same as every other day, but of course it's not, it never will be.

After Lunch

Tsukishima soon went home from school and his mom drove him back to the hospital instead of home, "Great, I have to see that short little orange head shrimp again." He scoffed to his mother, she just yelled back, "At least visit him! That's so rude to not even care!", "I never said I didn't care mom, I just don't want to go, I need to study!" He spoke. "Oh my god Kei! You don't even have a test soon! Your closest one is in a month!" She yelled at him, making excuses for the small boy, just so Kei would see him. "Well it's not my fault that I don't want to be as dumb as a lot of people. Literally, a kid scored a 23 on a test, IN ENGLISH." He replied back.

Now they were just bickering and bickering and bickering at each other. It was only them two in the car so there was no one in there to stop it or get annoyed by it and tell them to shut up. It was just him and his mom, arguing in a car. "At least you're driving me and not Akiteru. He'd probably crash into a sign." Tsukishima bickered about his older brother's driving. "You just complain and complain and complain don't ya' Kei?!" She whined, not even understanding why he was acting so fricken bratty right now.

In reality, the only reason why Tsukishima was being "so fricken bratty" was because he didn't want Hinata to think that he cared. Tsukishima's one, big, tall, beanpole, tsundere. Although Tsukishima did care, he didn't want Hinata to know because he thinks that showing his true emotions to others is a sign of weakness and he genuinely hates it. He knows that Hinata's in a bad place right now due to y'know almost being hit by a car and getting a concussion and whatever, but that won't determine whether or not Tsukishima treats him differently. He's still the same old Hinata Shoy, orange haired annoying kid. Tsukishima liked him but that doesn't mean he should get special treatment.

At the Hospital

Tsukishima was out in the waiting room as his mother pestered him to go inside to visit Hinata. Oh my god, here we go again. It's just like before, Tsukishima has to go see Hinata because he's in the hospital. God, how come he has to go see other people when, when he was in the hospital, nobody visited him except Yamaguchi but that was magically okay right?! Tsukishima rolled his eyes with a slight sigh coming out of his mouth, heading to Hinata's hospital room.

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Hinata was now sitting in bed, getting a checkup. His head still hurts but overall, he's fine besides the concussion. Then all the ruckus happened. Tsukishima's mom was yelling at Akiteru to apologize to Hinata, as his crush just sat there laughing at the bickering. His short blonde hair and his golden eyes, oh Hinata wishes for Tsukishima to be his. Hinata apologized for being so close to the road, and that it wasn't really Akiteru's fault because he was going down the road.Akiteru thanked him and apologized, he didn't mean to almost hit the kid. Hinata said it was okay and just waited for this all to be over.

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