Chapter 3 - Fitting Attire

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Coruscant was a sight to behold, that's for sure. The temple along the horizon, surrounded by busying city life, and the senate towering high. High and mighty like the power they held, voices of democracy. While your allegiance would always be to democracy, you couldn't help but miss your political-less life back on Klatar.

"You're nervous," Kalesto notes, taking your hand in hers. "No need, Y/n, you will be welcomed warmly,"

"Well, when you return to a planet you left perhaps more than a decade ago, it is hard not to be nervous," you fiddle with your sleeves as the ship landed. "Kalesto, I think it was a bad idea for me to come along, I hope you don't mind me getting the next ship out of here,"

"Typical," Obi-Wan coughs out.

"What is that supposed to mean??" You stand with a warning glare.

"Well, I suppose I meant that you running away from things isn't out of the ordinary," he says with a matter-of-fact tone which boiled your blood. While Anakin escorted the duchess out the ship, you and Obi-Wan were left in a tense stand-off.

"Careful of your words, Kenobi, you know nothing of my actions," you storm off down the ramp.

"I know you're a coward for leaving!" He says just loud enough for you to hear.

"You're a vile man to say such a thing. You have no idea how much it hurt to leave," refusing to turn, continuing after the other two was the only option.

His face fell, feeling guilt itch his throat to blurt an apology out loud... Maybe even run after you to say it face to face.


"Padme- uhm, Senator Amidala," Anakin opens the door for Kalesto who darts her eyes from him to her old friend.

"General Skywalker... Kalesto?" Padme stammers, rushing over to hug her old friend.

"Oh, I see," she raises both brows suggestively. "This is the boy you were-" Padme's two hands clasp over her mouth.

"Not now, Kalesto- General Kenobi! Uhm... and who are you?" She stumbles over her words when greeting you and Obi-Wan.

"Y/n L/n, Senator," you bow your head, "apologies for my intrusion but Duchess Kalesto insisted on me accompanying her,"

"Ah, yes, of course," Padme chuckles, "Kalesto speaks highly of you. It's a pleasure to finally meet you,"

You smile fondly to both of them, Kalesto burning bright blue at the comment Padme made, "stop embarrassing me,"

"Aw, and to think it was true," you pat her shoulder. "Don't worry, I'm flattered,"

"Anyone else starving?" Kalesto blurts out, rushing to the door, "I'll meet you all wherever dinner will be held,"

"Kalesto, don't run!" You call after before dropping your head as Anakin felt his stomach rumble.

"I could eat," he sighs out to Obi-Wan who was still observing. "Not even listening... I feel loved," he scoffs.

"She sees you as a mother, Y/n," Padme bundles her dress up to join Kalesto.

"Now that's a bit far, senator," you point a warning finger to her with an embarrassed smile. "I hope you enjoy dinner,"

"You are joining us, are you not?" Padme tilts her head as you give a look of complete bewilderment.

Clearing your throat, you nervously scratch your neck. "As honoured as I feel, I'm afraid I'm in no state or position to-"

"Don't worry, I'm sure we have some clothes that can fit you," Senator Chuchi enters the room, "just ran into Kalesto," she explains with a laugh, "come on now, Y/n,"

"Woah- now hold on-" you weren't given the chance to speak as Chuchi and Padme took control to drag you off. "I hate it here..."


"So... You and Y/n old friends?" Anakin keeps his eyes trailed forward, "or closer?"

"Whatever you're insinuating, stop it," Obi-Wan grits out.

"What?? I'm just saying..." he shrugs at him, "it doesn't take a genius to see there's something there,"

"There's nothing there, Anakin." Obi-Wan's strict and final tone made him step back, holding back from whistling at the tension he sensed.

"Fine, fine, but I'm not declining the invite to dinner Senator Chuchi gave us," he holds up a hologram showing Chuchi inviting them both.

"Can't wait..."


"This seems like a bit much," you adjust the attire you were practically forced into. With soft beige sleeves falling from off your shoulders to the flattering neckline, you were thankful for the two side slits on the skirt which didn't constrict your legs at all. (Change if you want)

"Not at all," Padme hands you brown leather pieces such as a belt and leg garters. "This is a bit much,"

"Nope," Chuchi and Kalesto shake their heads.

"You all are ridiculous," you take off some of the extra accessories as the girls giggle, pulling you out of Kalesto's room.

"You must look your very best, Y/n," Chuchi nudges Padme who winks at Kalesto.

"Don't I always look my very best?" you four walk down the hall and towards one of the many elevators, escorted by a few guards. One for each of the girls while you would surely be left to fend for yourself.

"Of course... but not enough for this," Padme assures.

"It's dinner, not a meeting with the chancellor," you remind, following Chuchi down to the dining room.

"Oh, of course not," Kalesto laughs, "only Jedi General Skywalker, Kenobi, Yoda and Senator Organa will join us tonight,"

Nearly tripping over your own feet, Padme holds you up, "you're kidding, right??" you whisper shout, "girls, listen, this is a very bad idea,"

"Why? Scared it'll be awkward with Master Kenobi?" Chuchi winks making you scoff.

"Hardly! I couldn't care less about him!" you rush through your words, "I'm worried about Master Y-" zipping your lips at the dining room doors opening, you saw Master Yoda sitting at the end of the table with Obi-Wan on one side and Anakin on the other.

"Senator Chuchi, Senator Amidala, Duchess Kalesto... Y/n," Yoda greets, "Long time, it has been,"

"Master Yoda," you bow your head, "forgive me, if I had known-"

"Sit, you must," he gestures to the seat beside Obi-Wan making you internally scowl, "much to catch up on, we have,"

"Of course," while you half expected Obi-Wan to pull the seat further forward, he instead stood and pulled it back, but it wasn't enough for him to get a thank you.


I'm gonna be honest- this book is a mess

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I'm gonna be honest- this book is a mess

- Anna ❤️

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