Chapter 5 ~ Nice To Meet You

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Chapter 5 ' Nice to meet you

Voice: hey wakey wakey!

Me: hun? (*i sat up and saw Daniel in front of me with his sweats and gym bag*)

Daniel: hey I'm about to go in side for practice

Me: oh alright (*rubs eyes*)

Daniel: feel free to come in if you want (*heads to the door*) breakfast in the kitchen (*walks out the door*)

Me: (*i check my phone and see that it's 9:00 in the morning. I get up and head to the kitchen and see 2 blue berry muffins and bacon*) lol breakfast! (*i eat up and drink down some apple juice and change into

With my nike gym bag and headed in side*)

Me: (*i looked around*) ok what guard is gonna try and stop me today? (*i walked In the gym and saw a group of boys practicing, it was packed with boys*) ohhhh umm it must be practice going on (*i jus sat down on the bleachers and taped away on my phone*)

Coach: alright take 10

~ I looked up and saw a boy come sit next to me

Me: umm hey

Boy: hey what's up (*drinks water*)

Me: hi rough practice ?

Boy: yea the names tramel by the way

Me: kamora :)

Tramel: who you here for?

Me: oh no one special just here with someone

Tramel: oh

Me: aren't you guys a little to young to be playing in the professional gym

Tramel: lol yea no we (*drinks water*) are boys that's we're chosen by professional coaches to play like something like NBA ball but mini

Me: oh really? Dang that's big

Tramel: yea

Coach: 5 mins

Tramel: well is was nice meeting you kamora :)

Me: you to

Tramel: you ball?

Me: umm no not really my thing

Tramel: well you never really know until you tried :) (*stands up*) jus promise me one thing kamora?

Me: sure what's that?

Tramel: stop by a game ?

Me: ummm sure I promise :)

Tramel: alright Hally at you later (*ran back on the court*)

Me: bye :)

picture of tramel --->

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