Chapter 8 ~ A Good Night

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Chapter 8 ~ mixed feelings

Daniel POV

Daniel: ummm I'll like a table for two! The other person will be here soon

Worker: alright follow me

(*he followed her to a table and gave him two menus*) just call when ever your ready

Daniel: thank you (*when she walked away he looked up and saw who he was waiting for*) oh (*he stood up*) ummm where over here

Person: oh ok

Daniel: (*he pulled out the chair for the person to sit down and pushed it in and sat down across the table in his seat*) so how you been Veronica?

Kamora POV

- I grabbed my purse and looked in the mirror for the last time. I had on --->

I texted Daniel telling him I was going out then I walked off the bus and locked the door behind me. I looked around in the dark waiting on Justin but I didn't see him yet

Me: uggh he said he'll be here at 8 (*someone put there hands over my eyes and I gasped, they removed them and I saw it was Justin i punched him*)

Justin: owe! Hi to you to (*rubbed his arm*)

Me: boy don't you ever scary me like that again! I almost chopped your head off !

Justin: lol I'm sorry girl (*walked to me with his arms out and he wrapped them around me*) ready

Me: sure :(

- we walked into the street and got into the cab

Daniel POV

Veronica: well you look nice Daniel if I must saw

Daniel: thank you :) you look nice to

Veronica: good win today

Daniel: thank you! You know I do work hard

Veronica: it shows alot :)

Worker: here's your chicken meal for you

Veronica: thank you

Worker: here's your steak

Daniel: thank you very much! Do you think we could get a light wine ?

Worker: sure thing

Veronica: :)

Kamora POV

Me: Justin where are we going?

Justin: where just going some where it's a surprise

- we pulled up to some place and we got out the cab. And I walked in behind Justin. It was a teen hang put club but much fuller and nicer

Justin: surprise :)

Me: this is nice :)

Justin: come on

- we walked over to a table full of guys

Boys: what's up Justin

Justin: hey guys! This is kamora! Kamora these are some of the guys on my basketball team

Me: hi :)

Justin: you wanna dance?

Me: sure

Daniel POV

Veronica: LOl wow I must say Daniel you have a way with words

Daniel: I don't know maybe it's just with the wine in my hand :)

Veronica: :) well so what do you say ? Are u in

Daniel: yea yea I'll just have to find time

Veronica: so tell me about the basketball life?

Daniel: it's challenging tiring at times but you know...

Veronica: if you love it you just have to work threw it!

Daniel: yea that's right :)

Veronica: you know I've played pro basketball

Daniel: what? Really

Veronica: yea back in my college years

Daniel: I can't believe it! So what happen?

Veronica: I don't know? A few injuries

Daniel: I had a few ankle springs but that's never stopped me

Veronica: aaaa I don't know I kinda miss it at times

Daniel: I can imagine (*sips wine*)

Kamora POV

-song : Ayy ladies by Travis potter

~ it was 9 and the place was packed I lost track of Justin at moments and danced with some of his team mates instead. I was having fun

Justin: hey! How's it going?

Me: I'm having fun thanks

Justin: aye come on let's get a seat

- we walked back to the table and sat down

Justin: I saw you talking to Tramel the other day

Me: you did? I didnt know that was your practice

Justin: yea :)

Me: looks like you guys were working hard

Justin: well I was wondering

Me: wha?

Justin: if you would come to my game this Friday

Me: Friday, Friday? (*i thought about it*) alright I have no plans

Justin: thanks :)

Me: just promise me something

Justin: what

Me: dunk for me

Justin: what! Dunk I can't dunk

Me: boy get out!! Your like 6 ft

Justin: 6'1

Me: yea you can dunk lol

Justin: lol

Daniel POV

-Daniel walked Veronica to her car after paying for dinner

Veronica: thank you Daniel

Daniel: no problem

Veronica: another time?

Daniel: yea yea for sure :)

Veronica: well thanks for the dinner (*kissed him on his check and drove away*)

- Daniel got in his car and headed back to the tour bus

Kamora POV:

Me: lol I'm serious Justin! Do me a solid

- he held both my hands as we stood in front of my tour bus. A fight broke out which shut down the party early

Justin: ok I'll try

Me: we'll thank you :) good night (*i kissed him on his check and headed inside*)

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