Chapter 10 ~ Mixed Feelings

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Chapter 10 ~ Mixed Feeling

Keyshia cole POV

-she sat at the computer as little bj played with his toy cars. She go on her Facebook and saw she had a friend request

Keyshia: who is this?

~ she clicked on it and saw it was a friend from high school days, she accepted an they messaged back and forth for a few

V: girl he is so fine! I know it's only for business purpose but I think it's becoming more the. That

Keyshia: well girl if it's good go for it!

V: I should! And I just might :)

Keyshia: what's his name girl?

V: I'll message you later gotta go

Keyshia: alright (*looks down*) alright come on BJ let something to eat

Jacob POV

Dancer teacher: alright you guys we can roll out!

Dancers: alright

Stephen: hey y'all wanna go get something to eat

Jacob: alright

~ they all piled into Stephens car. Jacob pulled out his phone and saw that he had a few missed calls and texts

Keanna: what's that?

Jacob: oh nothin :)............

Daniel POV

Daniel: lol

Veronica: wow Daniel this was really fun

Daniel: yea

Veronica: you know Daniel I've really started to kinda taking a liking into you

Daniel: 0.0 umm uh I'll be back I gotta go to the bathroom (*he sat his drink down and left the bar*)

Veronica: ok :)

Jacob POV:

Stephen: alright table of 6 please

Worker: alright follow me  

(*they was placed at a long table and handed menus*)

Izzy: ummm I don't know what imma get wbu keanna?

Keanna: I don't know I think imma get some chicken strips and fries

Stephen: aye y'all don't be getting nothin you can't get off because you know the dancer teacher will find out . But any way imma go head an get this steak (*closes menu*)

Everyone: lol

Jacob: yea imma get this burger

Daniel POV:

Daniel: yes sorry about that I'm back

Veronica: it's ok :)

Daniel: so what were we talking about (*takes a gulp of his drink*)

Veronica: umm I don't know

Daniel: (*turns his neck*)

Veronica: what's wrong?

Daniel: nothing this drink taste kinda funny (*whoa misses the chair and falls on veronica*)

Veronica: come on let's get you back to your bus (*carries him to her car*)

Daniel: alright yea yea lets do that!

Kamora POV:

~ since Daniel was out I decided to go out shopping. It really was getting lonely! Not having no one to really hang with like I did when I went on your with my mom. Jacob still hasn't returned my calls or my text. I guess he was just to busy. Out on tour and everything. :(

Daniel POV

Veronica: (*opens door*) alright lets just get you to the bed (*sits down purse*)

Daniel: I dont know what's come over me

Veronica: it's ok! Must have had to much

Daniel: yea (*she helped him take off his socks and shoes*).

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