Chapter 11 ~ I Dont Understand

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Chapter 11 ~ I don't Understand

~ I woke up and got my self ready i had on -----> for another day it's been about two weeks since I've herd from Jacob and I've been on tour with Daniel. I've been hanging with Justin more often so I haven't been so lonely

Me: hey Daniel? (*i searched the bus but didn't see him, maybe he left for practice*) where's my scarf! Maybe he put it in his room (*i went in his room and searched around for it, I knew it had to be some where I checked in his closet and under his bed when I saw something*) here it is ! (*i reached for the item and pulled it out*) Ewwwww!! (*it was a thong!, I threw it back under*) probably from one of his fans! Just nasty (*i left out his room and closed the door and headed inside*)

~ I saw Justin, he was having an interview so I waited til it was over. When it was I went up to him and gave him a hug. He kissed me on my check

Justin: hey

Me: hey (*i followed him to the locker room so that he could get his things*)  

So what's up!

Justin: nothin :/ (*he grabbed his bag and stuff his things in it*)

Me: whoa you ok? (*i grab his arm*)

Justin: yea, it's just nothin

Me: alright but if you wanna talk about it then

Justin: (*grabbed my arm with the wrist band and ripped them all off, which left my arm red*)

Me: ow! Justin!! :( what was that for

Justin: (*threw the bands on the bench*) you shouldn't wear those, people might get the wrong idea

Me: what are u talking about

Justin: nothin (*went back to packing his bags*)

Me: *sigh* (*i sat back down on the bench*) Justin you better watch your self. Alright! I don't know what's wrong with you but...

Justin: kamora just shut up alright!!! Damn!

Me: Justin! :(

Justin: uggh (*he turned to me then slapped me across the face hard, I sat there and held my face*)

Me: >:( wtf!!! (*i slapped him back then grabbed my purse and headed out, but he grabbed my arm*)

Justin: wait kamora I'm sorry I didn't mean to..

Me: (*i pulled my arm back and headed out the building*)

Keyshia POV:

Later on that night

~ she logged back on face book to see how family was doing when she saw a message from V

Keyshia: hey girl :)

V: girl guess what!!!

Keyshia: what?

V: girl he poped the Cherry!

Keyshia: what that quick!

V: yea girl

Keyshia: wow ok

V: he is amazing!!! I would do it again if I could

Keyshia: lol calm down miss freak

V: haha

Keyshia: I'm happy for you

V: thanks

Keyshia: well what's his name child!!!

V: girl and he stacking with money

Keyshia: what's his name!!!!

V: girl Daniel!!!

Keyshia: Daniel?

V: yea he plays professional basketball for the cavilers

(*keyshia sat her drink down and sip out what she had in her mouth, she logged out of face book and headed to the phone*)

Keyshia: awww hell naw!

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