chapter 22 Free Yourself

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Chapter 22 ~ free yourself

- after half of day of the movie shoot I revived my money from the company. It felt good getting paid. My mom seemed a little off now & days, I didn't know what was up with Daniel begin gone and all. I sat to the side and watched Jacob's music videos

Derrick: (*from the pool*) oh Jacob latimore yea that's a good one

Me: (*i look up, and he sat next to me*) oh yea umm (*i shut the videos off*) just thinking

Derrick: I here he goes out with one of his dancers

Me: unmm :/ really?

Derrick: yea keanna I believe

Me: oh

Derrick: what's wrong you look hurt

Me: no reason (*turned my head, then looked back at him*) you know what we should be really heading back on set

Derrick: haha you are such in a rush (*i pulled him up*)

Me: come on let's go we have more kissing scenes to take care of

Derrick: lol

~ later that

Me: (*i packed my things up when I was stopped by Afro*)

Damany: hey kamora later on tonight some of us are gonna have a camp fire by the beach fill free to join us

Me: ok thanks for the notice

Damany: alright 😁

-I got in the car

Mom: how was it today?

Me: better than yesterday lol.... Where we going?

Mom: oh no where your auntie fantasia is shooting a music video today

Me: really :D

Mom: yep, imma go an stop by so I can watch The little baby for her

Me: oh ok well mom think im going to stay behind. I really need to study my lines some more

Mom: you sure?

Me: yea tell her I said sorry I couldn't

Make it

Mom: alright I will

- she dropped me off at the hotel and headed off to the shoot. I went into the room and packed my bag for the camp fire for to tonight. I stood and looked out the window to the beach growing dark. I got a text from Afro saying that they was starting. I put on my swim suit and headed out to the beach. --->

- keyshia POV

~ her and BJ pulled up to the video shoot. She went in and met up with fantasia

Fantasia: thank you for coming

Keyshia: oh your welcome you know I'll be there for you :)

Fantasia: so have you talked him?

Keyshia: no :/

Fantasia: you need to keyshia before its to late

Women: fantasia where ready for you

Fantasia: ok (*she gave keyshia a look before walking off*)

~ keyshia turned and walked out

Phone convo:

Keyshia: hello? Daniel yea I want you back

Kamora POV

Dananh: hey glad you could make it :)

Me: thanks for inviting me guys

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