Chapter 17 ~ Visit From The Past

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Chapter 17 ~ visit the past

- I was cleaning out my closet when I found an old photo album. I picked it up from the floor and looked threw it, it had my baby pictures I laughed by how different and cute I looked but then I saw a picture of me and some man who looked like me. :/ then I thought about it what ever happen to my dad? I went down into the recording studio, where my mom was recording a song.

Mom: hey what's up

Me: hey mom can I ask you a question?

Mom: sure (*she cut off the music*)

Me: what happen to my dad?

Mom: (*she looked down*) well umm you see when you little we were having problems so you know we took a break and never got back together

Me: why haven't I met none of his family

Mom: kamora we cant talk about this now

Me: mom I could have another grandmother! Even another uncle

Mom: kamora! We're not gonna talk about him ok!!

Me: fine (*i got up and went back up into my room and sat on front of my computer screen then I thought, I looked on the back of the picture and found a name jones, I searched on the computer all day and night trying to find something that would help me find him when I found a picture and address that had the same man that was in the picture with. I wrote down the address then went to sleep*)

- the next morning I woke up and got dressed in --->

I stuffed the paper in my bag and headed down stairs where I found my mom in the studio

Me: hey mom I'm going out

Mom: where?

Me: shopping I guess (*i grabbed one of her bagels*) be back later (*i left out the door to a sunny day I walked down to the bus stop and bought a bus ticket to Austin street, when I got on the bus I thought about all the things I would say to him. I don't know. As the time passed I thought why I even choose to go. When I reached Austin I got off and began walking down the street. It was a friendly but hood neighborhood. I saw a park full of kids and a couple of stores down the street nearby I turned down a street and kept walking until I came to building 1983 . The building was a tan brick color with brown bricks as well. The house looked really nice and different from the other buildings on the street. I opened the black gate and walked up to the steps, there were two door bells so I just rang the first one. I herd foots steps coming down which made me scared.

Voice: I'm coming!!

- the door opened and a lady stood in front of me!

Lady: yes can I help you

Me: ummm (*looks down at paper then back up*) hi I'm kamora cole and I was (*the door slammed on my face*) what the (*i rung the bell again a few times til she opened The door again*) hi I just wanted to

Lady: go away! Your not welcome here!

Me: but I just wanted to talk please

Lady: :( fine (*she turned and walked inside so I followed her walked into a nice brown living room and sat in a seat I sat in front of her*) wow I'm shocked where's the limo and body guards

Me: wha?

Lady: Dont act shocked I'm your grandmother by the way! (*sips coffe*) what you want anyway? I don't need your money so what! Is it!

Me: I jus

Lady: wow you look just like Your cousin Shannon

Me: Shannon?

Lady: we'll it was nice for you stopping by good-bye

Me: wait!! Why you treating me crap! I didn't just come this far for you to send me off so your gonna march your but in that kitchen fix me some 

Cookies and co-co and tell me about my dad now go!! Please !

Lady: lol you are just like him (*she got up and left an after 5mins came back with a tray. She sat it in front of me and I began to eat*)

Lady: we'll I'm your grandmother mrs. Jones! Your grandfather is gone on a trip with the boys this is what he looks like (*she handed me a picture*) now your mother and my son were high school sweet hearts. Then they ended up having you :) you use to come over all the time. Then your mother began getting into the music. She wanted your father to come along but he rejected. So she went about for a while then came back, but when she did Kevante your father already found someone else.

Me: oh

Mrs jones : Yep any I begged your mother to let you come over but she rejected so I haven't seen you in years

Me: I'm sorry about that

Mrs jones: that's alright but take a look at the family (*she handed me a photo album and I smiled as I looked threw the pictures of me and some of the family*)

Me: who is this? (*i pointed to two young boys and girls*)

Mrs: oh them are my grand babies that I adopted. They was around your age and you use to play with them all the time. Timmy and Tammy

Me: this is nice :)

~ a door opened and someone's voice rang

Voice: hey ma I picked up them chips you wanted (*the person stood in front of the living room starting at the two of us*)

Person: kamora ?

picture of kamora dad kevante --->

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