4: Family

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"Have you heard anything about Khai?" I heard dad ask uncle Merle about Khailee my older cousin she has a stepbrother named Blake.

He's 17 and Khai's 16, i haven't seen her in ages. I never really saw much of Blake but either way I haven't seen them in a while. Khai's dad is uncle Merle and their mom, Auntie Aiden, lives all the way in Atlanta, I mean so do I but we were in the small neighbourhood. The "dangerous one".

"Nope not a thing. She would've been here, Blake had some school camping trip. Adie was going to drop her off and spend the weekend with Blake's dad," Uncle Merle told dad. He adores Khai and looks at Blake as his own son. She has long dirty blonde hair, and blue-grey eyes. She looks a lot more like her mom, other than the hair, whereas with me, everyone says I look like dad more. I don't know much about my mom but all I know is that she was an addict and walked out on us when I was still a baby. I saw her once when I was 5, Auntie Aiden told me.

"Go wake up Clary, we should move on," I heard Merle tell him. I felt a hand move hair out of my face.

"Clary? Come on princess , wake up," Dad said softly near my ear. My head hurt as I got up probably because we were sleeping in the woods.

I forgot we were in the woods.

I looked to my left and saw Merle looking at me. With my eyes half shut I managed to pull a smile together. "Clary, eat up then we're gonna head back to the truck," Dad told me as he handed me some peanuts and some of the leftover food from the previous night. My birthdays in a few days I think. I lost count of the days, as usual.

I saw walkers around the fence we put up but they were dead. Rods gone straight through their body. And maroon creeping out from the top of their head


There was more cars on the road now, I sat in the truck and thought about where my mom, Aunt Aiden , Kai and Blake would be. Would they be coming to Atlanta? On the way we saw one car speeding towards the "safe haven".

"What the fuck?" I heard Merle question.

Inside the car was a family of 4, the driver was a man with overgrown brown hair, the passenger seat next to him was a slightly younger woman (only by a year or so) with long brown hair and behind her were two boys, one around my age and another who was only a year younger from the looks. The one around my age was a blonde with a red baseball cap on, the other boy had short brown hair with a bowl cut-like haircut.

"Never see me going like with my kids in the back. FUCKING IDIOTS!" Uncle Merle shouted at the car.

Dad shook his head as he put all our stuff in the back of the truck. The sun was burning against my skin and my hair was annoying me. The pink highlights I did last month weren't showing me any justice at all. I'm tempted to just go bold but I know that wouldn't suit me at all and Auntie Aiden would absolutely hate me.

Aunt Adie has curly brown hair that's just gone past her shoulders. The last time I saw her she had just got it cut but I doubt it would've grown back that quick. I had a hoodie on me given the fact it was kinda cold last night.

I hate the heat here, it's unbearable.

We set back on track to get to Atlanta. Me and dad are in the truck and Merle on his bike ahead of us. We parked the truck in the shade last night so the seats are cool and not burning my skin. Dad looks fed up of this. I'm bored and I have got nothing to do now. All I want to do is to go home, take a shower and go skateboarding with my friends in the old, abandoned skate park.

The walkers aren't here by what I can see. We can see Atlanta now, all the buildings. Dad and Uncle Merle decided to have a quick break. They're both standing in the shade talking about who knows what, both not meeting my entertainment levels so I set off along the road. Keeping to myself and trying to see how long it would a week have left to get to the main city. The walking distance is probably a day and a half- I can't see heck all from here. The sun is being dramatic and keeps getting hotter so my hoodie is now tied around my waist, my trainers are killing my feet but they help me run faster.
What if I just make a run for it now?
What would happen?


I'm not an idiot so I won't run away. I can hear helicopters above us, probably military. Uncle Merle was in the army for a while, he said that's why him and Aunt Adie didn't work out, he wasn't around as much as he should've. But he's there for them both now and he cares about them.

The highway is empty, like completely empty. The helicopters have stopped mid-air and before I could even realise what happened something dropped in the distance, yet still managed to send me back. My ears are filled with a buzzing sound and my head is pounding.

It's black. Everything is black.

I opened my eyes and saw flames in the near distance. What the hell? Why are they bombing it? I turned my head to my right and saw walkers coming. I got up to my feet as quickly as I could and heard my name being called out.

"CLARY! CLARISSA?" I heard my name being called out.

"DAD? DAD!" I followed the sound of my name being called. The walkers were getting closer. I don't know where I'm going but my feet say different. I turned the corner and see Dad and Uncle Merle searching for me. I ran to them both and almost instantly my legs give out as I reach Dad's arms. My head was throbbing and I can't even carry the weight of my own body. Dad picked me up and put me in the truck as he and Uncle Merle talked about what to do next.

"What now?" I heard dad ask worriedly.

"We see if anyone else heads towards Atlanta then we go," Uncle Merle called the shots.

" Clary can't do that, she's burning up Merle," Dad told him.

"Daryl, she'll be fine. She's a Dixon, nothing kills us that quick. We like to put up a fight," Merle reminded dad as he cleaned the bike. Dad's right, I'm burning up and the heat won't do me any favors. I heard another car or something drive past.

"That settled, we're going to Atlanta. They would have medical equipment they can take care of her," Dad got into the truck and started the ignition. I'm still awake, just in my own world.

And here is another chapter for you guys today x

Hope you liked this one and I mean are we liking the new Dixons yet or not??

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See you next week xxx

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