chapter 9

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Holy shit .

I don't have the words to explain what I just saw , mostly listened and what happened during that . Maxing and her friend had a band , we knew that but we didn't know how good they could sing . Maxine's voice when she was singing was addicting , like it was dripping with some kind of drug .

But when she was speaking her voice was dripping with sεメiness . When she sang her voice had all kinds of emotions . She sounded happy , sad , mad , desperate . I couldn't make out but all that together sounded perfect . Harmony is the word that I would use to describe Maxine's voice . Not only her but the whole band . Harmony .

During their small performance me and Maxine held eye contact so many times . And each time her lips would curve into that devilish smirk that I had started to find attractive . Which shouldn't be happening . When the song ended all of us started clapping and cheering .

My eyes were glued on Maxine who was biting her lip , trying to stop her smile . Still the smile creeped on her face . JJ got up from his seat behind the drums and went next to her and said something to her, making her laugh .

Her eyes caught mine , still with a smile on her face she winked at me and placed her guitar down walking over at Alex . "What do you think ?" She asked him "It was amazing ! Are you gonna play for the Halloween thingy ?" Alex asked , all excited .

"I think we will" Maxine said, ruffling his hair "And you'll be front row , with your friends if they want" she finished and looked towards me , like this decision was on me . Her eyes looked into my soul , into my mind , like she wanted to know what I'm thinking and feeling .

"We aren't losing this shit" Ginny said from next to Topper , who gave her a smile and kissed her forehead . I was jealous of my friend , the kind of jealousy of course and I was happy for her . She deserves a good man .

I want to say that we will be there , but I was too nervous to speak . Maxine nodded , mumbling an ok before going back to her guitar . Her mood swung . Was she expecting something else ? Another response ? I have no idea but I wanted to respond .

I want to tell them that we will be front row .

I looked at my phone and looked at the time . 12:45am . Time flies fast . I looked up from my phone and saw Maxine placing her guitar on a stand at the corner of the room and walked over JJ and Hayden who were talking .

"I'm going to sleep" I said to Amber next to me and got up from the couch . "I'll come with you" she said and she got up following me to the stairs leading upstairs . "Where are you going ?" Alex asked us "To sleep" I replied and he gave us a nob while he mumbled a goodnight .

Ginny was too busy laughing with Topper to realise that we were heading upstairs . Amber started walking up the stairs and I followed her . "Goodnight" a voice said and I turned my head to see that Maxine said goodnight . "Goodnight" I said back . I smiled and continued walking up the stairs . When we got inside Alex's bedroom I got in his bed and closed my eyes . "She likes you" Amber said from next to me "She doesn't" I responded . "She does" she fought back "Goodnight Amber" I said firmly but playfully and finally I fell into a deep sleep .

Laughter . I slowly opened my eyes and looked around the room . Nobody was inside . I turned my head and grabbed my phone to check the time .


I got out of Alex's bed and went to his bathroom . I brushed my teeth and hair , washed my face and removed the make-up I was wearing yesterday .

I didn't change clothes since I was comfortable with them and headed to the kitchen . While getting closer the laughter got louder and started dying again . When I entered I saw Alex , Amber , Maxine , JJ and Hayden . "Morning" Amber said , her voice full of happiness and excitement .

"Morning" I said back and started stretching my hands "Where's Ginny ?" I questioned them all "Topper is taking her home" Hayden said "His home or hers ?" I said while opening the fridge "Hers you dirty dog" Alex said and I rolled my eyes .

I grabbed a piece of apple pie I found in the fridge and sat down on the table and started eating it . "Laylah, are you free tomorrow ? I was thinking about going to the mall for Halloween costumes" Amber said looking at me "It's September 25th ?" I said in a questioning and duh voice

"You still have the whole October to think about it" I continued before eating the last bite of the apple pie "Plus mum is coming from Austria" I said to them while placing the plate into the sink "How long was she gone ?" Alex asked "Probably two years or more . I lost track" I said as I sat back down on the table .

My mum works as a documentary film maker and she's coming back tomorrow and to be honest I have a bad feeling about it . "Does she know ?" Alex asked me , concerned . "She doesn't" I said , looking at my hands

Since I mentioned my mum the mood in the kitchen swung into something sad and I didn't like that . The air was heavy and thick, making me feel bad about it , since the conversation of my mum is the reason why it happened .

"Anyway you could go with Ginny" I said to Amber "or Alex ... or both" I finished "Ginny is probably gonna be out with Topper again" she said , rolling her eyes and whining . "You friend has stolen our friend's heart you know" Hayden , I think said . That's when I remember that we weren't alone in the kitchen . "Yeah let's pretend that Ginny isn't looking at him with heart eyes" Alex said sarcastically and we all laughed .

Before I even knew I got inside my house . Time passed by quickly which made me smile because you know what they say ... When time flies by fast it means that you are having fun and I was glad that I had fun .

The house was quiet , meaning that my dad was still at work . I went to my room and grabbed the book I was currently reading , including my highlighter , tabs and my pencil .

The book was called "The song of Achilles" written by Madeline Miller . It was based on a theory that Achilles and Patroclus were lovers and not best friends . I liked it so far , it had passion and much love . Soon noon came and I still had my nose in the book .

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