chapter 12

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I was still at Alex's house crying my eyes out . Ginny came a while ago .

Gosh I feel bad that they have to hear me cry

"I'm sorry" I mumbled, wiping my eyes with the sleeve of my sweater . "What are you sorry for ?" Ginny asked me softly "You have to hear me cry and listen to my problem" I said and started playing with my fingers "I'm gonna stop you right there" Amber said and I gave her a confused look

"You are acting like you haven't done the same to all of us . For Alex when Maxine went to boarding school , for Ginny when she came out of this toxic ass relationship and for me when my parents' marriage went through a rough time . I was always at your house" she explained and I felt my heart warming up "That's what friends do L" Alex softly said and I gave them all a nod .

When I finally calmed down I gave them a goodbye and started walking home . My house wasn't far away so it was a short walk . I arrived at my house , I opened the door with my keys and I walked inside , closing the door behind me .

The first thing you see when you enter , is the living room and the stairs that lead to the rooms and bathrooms upstairs . Then I saw my dad and Samuel sitting on the couch . "Hey dad , Ms Beck" I said with a smile "Samuel , Laylah . I told you that last time I saw you" he said getting up from the couch "Yes , sorry" I said as he came and hugged me .

When we pulled away from each other my dad gave me one of his smiles . Then my eyes fell on the coffee table where some papers sat . "Samuel is making the divorce papers" my dad explained . Fear filled my body . Not that they were going to get a divorce but that my mum was going to demand custody .

"Is it possible that my mum will try to get custody ?" I asked , letting every word from my mouth fall without hesitation . "Yes it is but she doesn't have a chance of winning . Technically she was never here and the court can't be sure that she will be there if she wins . Also the distance between your parents is a lot and the contact between you and your dad will be hard . The judge allows a parent take the child this far away from the other parent in cases that include domestic violence or rape between family members" he explained and it felt like a huge amount of weight was lifted from my shoulders . "Alright , thank you" I said and he gave me a small nod with a smile .

I walked upstairs and grabbed my book , opened it at the page I stopped yesterday and continued it .

'Go' she says 'He waits for you' I read .

My eyes were puffy and wet from crying . I still am crying . It's 5 am and I'm still reading . When I finished the last grammatical period I closed the book and wiped my eyes .

This book was painfully beautiful and the fact that it was based on Patroclus' point of view made me cry even more .

Suddenly my door opened revealing my dad . "Are you ok L ? I heard you crying" he said and came inside the room , sitting next to me on my bed . "Sorry I was reading and lost track of time" I said and wiped my eyes again .

"Why are you crying ?" He asked me softly "It's the book . I got attached with the characters" I explained and he gave me a comforting smile . "Did they got their happy ending ?" He asked me and I stayed silent , thinking about it .

After a minute or so I spoke . "You could consider it a happy ending but they both died . But ... They met again in after life" I said looking at him "Then look at the bigger picture . They are together , even in the afterlife" he said and I gave him a nod .

He leaned in and kissed my forehead , comforting me "You should go to sleep . You have school tomorrow" he said and I sigh while getting out of the covers .

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