chapter 36

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"They say what ?" Hayden said and I nod my head trying to contain my anger "They are ruining my relationship , my happiness" I said as I checked the time for the third time the past minute . I didn't want to check the time , just to see my wallpaper


"Feel free to comfort them Max . This is serious" Topper said and I agreed "Yeah no shit Sherlock" JJ said and I chuckled at that . These guys have Laylah as their friend and they love her in a friendly way . They care about her .

The school bell rang and students started coming out of the entrance towards their cars . As soon as I spotted Laylah a smile formed on my lips and I waited for her to come to me . When she spotted me a smile made its way on her beautiful face , lighting up her features and my heart .

She quickly walked to me and gave me one of her tight hugs . I wasn't at school yesterday due to a concert and homework . I was studying till 5am today . "I missed you so much" she said and I chuckled , kissing her neck before pulling away .

"How did it go ?" she asked me and the others "It went well but we didn't have you hyping us up this time" JJ said and she gave him a wide smile "I'll be there next time . Promise" she said and I pulled her by my side , kissing her temple .


"How are you feeling, angel ?" I asked her while I was driving to her house . We were going to pass the day , and night together . Our six month anniversary was today and I'm happier than ever . Also it's been a week since the incident . I hate every single one of them , making her think that I was going to leave her ? Fuck no

"I'm much better, sweetheart . How about you ?" she asked me as her fingers played with the rings on my fingers .

So fucking adorable

"I'm well thank you" I replied and she flashed me one of her big smiles

How much I loved them

Soon we arrived at her house and got inside and in her room . I sat on her bed scrolling through Instagram or playing random games I had downloaded . Laylah on the other hand sat on her desk and did her homework . It had been two hours and I started getting clingy


"Angel , come on ! It's been two hours" I said to her but she just hushed me . I rolled my eyes and huffed . After some minutes , she finally closed her books and came to the bed , laying with me . "Are we going out tonight ?" she asked me and I smiled "Yes angel . We are going out to a restaurant" I said, getting up from the bed and going towards her closet . Opening it and looking through her clothes I pulled out the green dress we bought the other time .

Turning around showing it to her she gave me a nod . I placed on the bed and sat down next to her "What's on your mind angel ?" I asked her and she scooted closer to me hugging my torso "Nothing , I just think that I'm really lucky to have you , especially after what I did in the car" she murmured against my stomach .

It's true , what she did was awful but I understand the reason . She was afraid of losing me and I had the same exact fear . "It's alright angel . We've talked about this haven't we ?" I asked her and she nodded her head "We'll be leaving in three hours . I'm gonna go home get ready and I'll come pick you up" I said to her and she quickly got jumped out of the bed

"Three hours ?! And you're telling me now ?" she said and I chuckled as I watched her walking around the room in panic . "You can call the girls to help you , yes ?" I said getting up and spinning her around making her face me "Yes . Now go I don't have time to lose" she said and started pushing me towards the door .

"I'll see you later angel" I said, giving her a quick kiss and walking down the stairs . That's where I met her dad . "Max ! Why the rush ?" he asked me and I flashed him a smile "I have to go home and get ready . Today's our six month anniversary and I got paid from my shows , so I'm taking your daughter out" I explained and he smiled even wider .

"That's amazing kid ! Keep her safe and take care of her for me" he said and I gave him a firm nod before turning around and leaving the house , going back to mine . When I got inside the house was empty .


I walked to my room and hopped in the shower shortly after . Stripping off my clothes and letting the water relax my muscles . God I was stressed . Washing my hair and body , rinsing the shampoo off and wrapping myself around a towel . I dried myself and walked outside of the bathroom and put on a pair of boxers and a sports bra .

Then I dried my hair and started putting on my clothes for tonight . It wasn't something crazy . It was a button up , black shirt paired with a pair of black trousers and on top I put a suit jacket . To top the outfit I placed some silver rings on my fingers and a silver chain around my neck .

I looked at myself in the mirror and I was satisfied . I looked good . Good enough for Laylah . I sat down on my bed and grabbed my phone to check the time . I still had thirty minutes so I grabbed my phone , house keys and car keys and went outside . After locking the door I got in my car and started driving around the town I live in .

I do that quite often , especially when I need inspiration or just to clear my head . Soon , the four-wheeled vehicle brought me in the front of Laylah's house . I got outside the car and texted her to come out .

After about a minute or so her houses front door opened revealing her . I almost lost my breath when I saw her . She wore the green dress I bought her the other time with a pair of gold heels . She had her hair in her physical curls , half-up half-down . This hairstyle was made for her

She wore some gold earrings , and a golden chain around her neck . Her make up was natural and looked so good . She was holding a black purse and she gave me a genius smile . The door opened again revealing Amber and Ginny . They both gave me a thumbs up before leaving .

Then Laylah crossed the road , coming to me . "You look beautiful , breath-taking angel" I said to her before giving her lips a soft kiss "Thank you sweetheart . You look amazing too" she said and I gave her a smile before opening the door for her and helping her step in .

When I got into the driver's seat and started the car , my hand went and took hers , interlinking my fingers and resting on her lap . It was my favourite habit and I wasn't going to stop . I looked at her one last time before driving towards the restaurant .

She looked really happy and excited and I was the reason she was . That was enough for me . 

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