chapter 23

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"Laylah ! Get out of the bathroom ! I came to see you, not your room !" Maxine whined from behind the door . It was Friday night and my sweet Max was going to hang out with me all weekend . With school and her guitar practice we didn't have much time to see and talk to each other .

We did call , text and facetime each other , we would also fall asleep on facetime together . I finally put my pyjamas on , which were Max's sweatpants and hoodie . They were from our first date . She let me keep them ! Isn't that amazing .

I got out of the bathroom and went towards Max who was laying on my bed , with her face towards the pillows . I quickly jumped on the bed next to her, making her lift her face . Max was wearing a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt .

How isn't she cold ?

Her face fell immediately on my chest , hugging my waist and mumbling things I couldn't make out . When she had that kind of behaviour it made me smile . She showed the child she was hiding inside of her the whole day . I felt her lips on my collarbone leaving small kisses , which were travelling my neck and jawline .

"Are you okay with me kissing your neck angel ?" she asked me , her mouth against my neck . Her hot breath was making it harder for me to concentrate and form words . "Yes" I breathed out , it almost sounded like a moan .

So okay with it

She hummed before her lips made contact with my skin again . I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling . Her lips travelled higher and landed on my lips , her kisses were soft but full of need at the same moment . My hands flew to her hair tugging slightly . She let out a moan mixed with a groan against my lips .

That was so hot

I'm getting hot or is it getting hotter in here ?

Her lips landed on my neck again snapping me out of my thoughts . She sucked on my skin while her one arm was holding my hip firm . I let the small breathless moans fall from my mouth . My cheeks were burning hot .

I felt her lick the spot she sucked before bringing her face back to mine and scanned my face . "Look at you ... Who got you this flushed angel hm ? Did I ?" she asked while a cat smile was on her lips . I nod my head , my cheeks turning even more red "Words angel" she said , her grey eyes looking all over my face , from my lips to my eyes . "Yes" I said lowly , trying to avoid eye contact

She made me nervous but god I loved it

Sorry Jesus

"Are we getting shy now ? Weren't you the one that was moaning my name angel ?" she said, bringing her face closer to mine . I blushed even harder , if that was even possible . I mumbled a yes and I heard her chuckle "Good girl . Responding so well to me" she said, kissing my forehead and looking back in my eyes .

I gave her a smile as a response and she gave me one of her small , cute ones . She laid her head back on my chest and I let my hands find their way in her hair . She told me she liked it . "How was your day sweetheart ?" I asked her softly . "Tiring" she said "Why's that ?" I asked her while playing with her messy hair . "Before coming here I did all the homework I had and I practised with the boys" she said and I hummed in response .

Soon after she fell asleep and I smiled down at her . I grabbed my phone , which was next to me on the mattress and tapped the Instagram app , passing time with scrolling .

I'll post a story

I swiped towards the camera and took a photo of me and Max in my arms . I saved the picture and posted it to my close friends . In my close friends were Alex , Ginny , Amber , my sweetheart of course and her bandmates . These were the people I trusted , since most of my followers were fake people from school .

Then I got an idea of making that picture my wallpaper and I did . Of course on the screen it only showed Sugar , sleeping peacefully and not me but it didn't matter .

She looks so pretty

While admiring the picture my phone started vibrating . Someone was calling me so I picked up my phone , answering the call . "Yes ?" I whispered on the phone, "Why are you whispering ?" Alex's voice said from the line "Sweetheart's sleeping" I said looking down on her , making sure she was still asleep . "I see . I need advice" he started . "In what ?" I asked him "I like this girl and I want to ask her out" he started .

Alex has a crush

"Who is she ?" I asked him , still trying to keep my voice down . "Amber" he mumbled and my mouth flew open "Our Amber ?" I asked him and he replied with a soft yes . "Go for it Alex but try making your ground first , try getting closer to her , hang out more with her . You know Amber . She wants you to show interest" I said and I could see him nodding his head "Will do . Thank you L and please don't say anything . I don't want my feelings to be the reason our group will break apart" he said and my heart clenched .

"You won't be Alex . Do as you know who Amber wants someone to be with her and you'll see . I think she likes you too but be careful okay ?" I said to him and he replied with a hum "You're the best L . Thank you" he said and we said our goodbyes before ending the call .

I kissed Max's head before going to sleep myself . 

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