chapter 11

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"We are gonna start with 'Right Here" Hayden said . We are awake since 7 in the fucking morning planning about the concert .

Since 7 am

"And then what asshole ?" JJ said with his arms crossed over his chest .

"We start with the originals and finish with the covers" Topper said and I agree with him . "It's better if we don't mix originals with covers" I said and received a nod from most of them

"Let's start with 'Right Here' as Hayden said and continue with 'I feel like I'm drowning" I said and they agreed . "Next we will have 'Hot girl bummer' ?" Hayden suggested .

We all stayed silent thinking about it . "I say we put it as the first song . Start with something that makes a bam" Topper and JJ hummed in approval .

"Let's put 'Daddy Issues' last" Hayden said and I nod writing it down on the piece of paper in front of me "Oh and let's add 'Half alive' after 'hot girl bummer" I said and corrected and added the title of the song at the place we agreed .

After hours we finally finished with the queue of the songs and we started playing them to see if they blended in well .

So the queue was like this : Hot girl bummer , Half Alive , Right Here , I feel like I'm drowning , Daddy issues and now we are going to the covers . First we have Kiwi by Harry Styles , then my boy by Billie Eilish , after that Sexy Drug by Falling In Reverse and we are closing with You got it by Vedo .

And guess what ... They did blend . I plopped down on the couch in the basement and let out a breath . "We are going to nail it" JJ said, still sitting behind the drums "Hell yeah" Topper said taking a seat next to me .

God I have missed this .

So fucking much

The practice , our arguments when we were composing a song , the sound of our voices together . "I fucking missed you guys" I breathed out and looked at them all , a small smile on my lips "Aww ... we missed you too" Topper said and I shacked my head while laughing with the others .

Then my mind got to Laylah .

God what is wrong with me ?

Every time I'm trying to relax , she slips into my mind . The way her brown eyes looked into mine , the way her chest moved up and down with her heavy breathing , the way she smiled , the way she moves , the way she talks . Everything about her is always in my mind .

I need sex or at least a good make-out session .

"What do you know about Laylah ?" I asked them and if you ask me , I don't even know why I asked that . "Why ? Are you interested ?" Hayden asked with a smirk on his face

God I wanna wipe that stupid smirk off his face with a punch .

"She doesn't do 'hook-ups' Maxine . Leave the girl alone" Topper said and I rolled my eyes at him .

"It's Alex's friend . I just wanna know with whom he hangs out with" I said to them because a part of the reason I asked was that .

Key word a part of the reason I asked

"She's pretty I ain't gonna lie , a lot of guys want her at school , probably girls too but she turns them down . She's a good student , had a relationship before but broke up" Topper said leaving me speechless "Why do you know so much about her ?" JJ asked , titling his head at the side , like dogs do . "Ginny" he simply said and I gave him a nod , before lying my head back on the couch .

Thank you Ginny

The doorbell rang . Who the hell is it ? I was about to walk up the stairs but I heard Alex yell something like "It's for me" so I sat back down on the couch . Then I heard footsteps , making me assume that Alex and whoever came in went upstairs . "Let's do the covers again" I said and got up from my seat and grabbed my guitar again .

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