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"I need to loan some coins." Dusin said, matter-of factly through the door. "Ant, I need some coins." He said again, tapping against the wood. He let out a sigh, and Toni bit her lip in an attempt not to laugh. "I know mom said I'm to stay out of your room when Steve is over, and I've respected your privacy, okay. But you're ignoring me, and I could very easily tell mom that you were so quiet, I thought you were dead. So pretty please, oh dear sister, can I borrow some coins?" The door swung open, and she looked at him. "What?"

"I've never known someone so relentless." She smiled, handing him a small bag. "You better pay me back."

"I will."

"Every penny."

"I promise."

"Okay. Have fun. Remeber, if you need a ride home, just ask to use the phone. I'm one call away, yeah? That goes for the others too." He nodded, about to walk away. "Oh, Dustin." She said, and he turned back to her. Before he could get away, she had locked her arms around him and planted her lips on his cheek.

"Ew!" He squealed, pushing her away. "Save that for your boyfriend."

"Act all tough, but you love me." She laughed, and he scurried away from. "I love you!" She called.

"I love you too!" He returned just as he was out of the door. She skipped back to her bedroom, closing the door behind her.

"You and your brother have this bond that I don't think I'm ever gonna understand." Steve spoke, and she turned to him with a smile. "You're very motherly."

"I just worry about him." She shrugged. "With the bullying last year and what happened with Will, I just like to keep an eye on him."

"And it is so sweet of you." He smiled. "Now, come on, I'm winning, you can't just leave half way through the match."

"Alright, relax." She teased. "I never knew you were so touchy about chess."

"Well, ever since you taught me how to play, I've dedicated my life to beating you."

"It's not gonna happen."

"You never know."

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